Anaglyph 3D is the name given to the 3D stereoscopic effect achieved by encoding each eye image using a different color filter (usually colored opposite), usually red and cyan. Anaglyph 3D images contain two color images that are filtered differently, one for each eye. When viewed through the glasses of "color glasses" "anaglyph", each of the two images reaches the eye intended for, revealing an integrated stereoscopic image. The brain's visual cortex brings this into the perception of a three-dimensional scene or composition.
Anaglyph images have seen a recent revival due to the presentation of images and videos on the Web, Blu-ray Discs, CDs, and even in print. Low-cost paper frames or plastic-framed glasses keep accurate color filters that normally, after 2002, utilize all 3 primary colors. The current norm is red and cyan, with red used for the left channel. The cheaper filter material is used in monochromatic red color dictated red and blue for convenience and cost. There is an increase in colorful image material, with a cyan filter, especially for accurate skin tone.
Video games, movie theaters, and DVDs can be displayed in anaglyph 3D process. Practical drawings, for science or design, where depth perception is useful, including full-scale presentation and microscopic stereographic images. Examples of NASA include Mars Rover imaging, and a solar investigation, called STEREO, which uses two orbital vehicles to acquire 3D solar images. Other applications include geological illustrations by the United States Geological Survey, and various online museum objects. The latest app for stereo heart imaging uses ultra-sound 3D with red plastic/cyan glass.
Anaglyphs are much easier to see than parallel stereograms (diverging) or crossed-view pairs. However, this side-by-side type offers a bright and accurate color rendering, not easily achieved with anaglyphs. Recently, cross-view prism eyewear with customizable masking has emerged, offering wider images on new HD video and computer monitors.
Video Anaglyph 3D
Description of the oldest known anaglical image written in August 1853 by W. Rollmann in Stargard on "Farbenstereoscope" (stereoscope color). He has the best results by looking at yellow/blue images with red/blue glasses. Rollmann found that with red/blue lines the red line is not so different from the yellow line through the blue glass.
In 1858 Joseph D'Almeida began projecting three-dimensional lantern slide slides using red and green filters with spectators wearing red and green glasses.
Louis Ducos du Hauron produced the first printed anaglyphs in 1891. This process consists of printing two negatives that make up stereoscopic images on the same paper, one in blue (or green), one in red. The audience will then use colored sunglasses with red (for the left eye) and blue or green (right eye). The left eye will see a blue image that will look black, while it will not see red; likewise the right eye will see a red image, this register as black. Thus a three-dimensional image will be generated.
William Friese-Green created the first three-dimensional anaglif pictures in 1889, which had a public exhibit in 1893. The 3-D movie enjoyed something of a boom in the 1920s. The term "3-D" was invented in the 1950s. By the end of 1954 films such as The Creature from the Black Lagoon were very successful. Originally shot and exhibited using the Polaroid system, "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" has been successfully reissued later in anaglyph format so it can be shown in theaters without the need for special equipment. In 1953, anaglyph began to appear in newspapers, magazines, and comic books. The 3-D comic book is one of the most interesting anaglyph apps to print.
Over the years, anaglyphic images sporadically appear in comics and magazine ads. Although not anaglyphic, Jaws 3-D was a box-office success in 1983. Today's excellent quality of computer displays and user-friendly stereo editing programs offer new and exciting possibilities to experiment with anaglyph stereo..
Maps Anaglyph 3D
Anaglyph from the stereo pair
A pair of stereos is a pair of images from a slightly different perspective at the same time. Objects that are closer to the camera (s) have a greater difference in appearance and position in the picture frame than objects further away from the camera.
Historically the camera captures two color-filtered images from the perspective of the left and right eyes projected or printed together as a single image, one side through a red filter and the other side through a contrasting color like blue or green or cyan mixture. As described below, one can now, typically, use an image-processing computer program to simulate the effect of using a color filter, using as the source of a pair of color images or monochrome images. This is called mosaicking or image grafting.
In the 1970s filmmaker Stephen Gibson filmed direct anaglyph blaxploitation and adult films. His "Deep Vision" system replaces the original camera lens with two colored lenses that focus on the same film frame. In the 1980s, Gibson patented his mechanism.
Many computer graphics programs provide basic tools (usually layering and customization for individual color channels to filter colors) needed to prepare anaglyphs from a stereo pair. In simple practice, the left eye image is filtered to remove blue & amp; green. The right eye image is filtered to remove the red. Both images are usually positioned in the composition phase in the overlay registration (from the main subject). Plugins for some of these programs as well as programs dedicated to the preparation of anaglyph available that automate the process and require the user to select only some basic settings.
Stereo conversion (single 2D images to 3D)
There is also a method for creating anaglyphs using only one image, a process called stereo conversion. In one, each image element is balanced horizontally in a layer with a different number of elements that are further offset by a clearer depth change (forward or backward depending on whether the offset is left or right). This produces an image that tends to look like a flat standing element arranged at various distances from a viewer similar to a cartoon image in View-Master.
The more sophisticated method involves the use of depth maps (fake color images where the color shows the distance, for example, the gray depth map may be lighter indicating the object closer to the viewer and darker showing the object farther). As for preparing anaglyphs from stereo pairs, stand-alone software and plug-ins for some graphics applications exist that automate the production of anaglyphs (and stereograms) from a single image or from drawings and depth maps accordingly.
As well as fully automated depth map calculation methods (which may be more or less successful), depth maps can be pulled completely by hand. Also developed is a method of producing a depth map of the sparse depth map or less accurate. A rare depth map is a depth map consisting of only a few lines or fields that guide the depth map making. The use of rare depth maps can help overcome automatic generation restrictions. For example, if the depth search algorithm takes a cue from the brightness of the image, the foreshadow area in the foreground may be incorrectly set as the background. This error is solved by setting shaded areas as close values ​​in rare depth maps.
Viewing anaglyphs through spectral opposite glasses or filter gel allows each eye to view independent left and right images from within a single anaglyphic image. A red-cyan filter can be used because our vision processing system uses red and cyan comparisons, as well as blue and yellow, to determine the color and contour of the object. In the red-cyan anaglyph, the eyes that see through the red filter see red inside the anaglyph as "white", and cyan inside the anaglyph as "black". Eyes that look through the cyan filter feel the opposite. The actual black or white color in the anaglyph look, without color, is considered the same by each eye. The brain combines images that are red and cyan transmitted as is commonly seen but only green and blue are perceived. Red is not considered because red is equal to white through red and black gel through cyan gel. But green and blue are felt through cyan gel.
Complementary colors
Complementary color anaglyphs use one of a pair of complementary color filters for each eye. The most commonly used color filters are red and cyan. Using the theory of tristimulus, the eye is sensitive to three primary colors, red, green, and blue. The red filter recognizes only red, while the cyan filter blocks red, passes blue and green (blue and green combinations are considered cyan). If the paper viewer containing the red and cyan filters is folded so that the light passes both, the image will appear black. Another form that was recently introduced using blue and yellow filters. (Yellow is the color that is felt when red and green light pass through the filter.)
Anaglyph images have seen a recent revival due to the presentation of images on the Internet. Traditionally, this is mostly black & amp; white formats, latest digital cameras and processing progress has brought a highly accepted color image to the internet and DVD fields. With the availability of cheap online paper sunglasses with enhanced red-cyan filters, and plastic framed glasses that improve the quality, the 3D imaging field is expanding rapidly. The scientific images in which depth perception is useful include, for example, the presentation of complex multi-dimensional data sets and stereographic images from the surface of Mars. With the latest release of 3D DVDs, they are more often used for entertainment. Anaglyphs are much easier to see than parallel sightings or cross-eye stereograms, although they offer a lighter and more accurate color rendering, especially in red, generally muted or desaturated components with even the best color anaglyphs. The compensation technique, commonly known as Anachrome, uses a slightly more transparent cyan filter on the patented glasses associated with this technique. Processing reconfigures a typical anaglyph image to have less parallax to get a more useful image when viewed without a filter.
Optical diopter glasses compensation for red-cyan method
Unwanted sheets or glasses do not compensate for the difference of 250 nanometers in red-cyan filter wavelengths. With simple glasses, red filter images can become blurred when viewing a closed computer screen or a printed image because the focus of the retina is different from the filtered cyan image, which dominates the focus of the eye. Better quality plastic glasses use differential diopter powers that compensate for equalizing the red filter focus shift relative to cyan. The direct view of focusing on computer monitors has recently been enhanced by manufacturers that provide secondary pair lenses, mounted and installed inside red-cyan main filters from some high-end anaglif spectacles. They are used where the required resolution is very high, including science, stereo macro, and animation studio applications. They use cyan (blue-green) acrylic lenses that are carefully balanced, giving a red minute percentage to improve the perception of skin tone. Simple red/blue glasses work well with black and white, but blue filters are not suitable for human skin in color. US Pat. 6,561,646 was issued to inventors in 2003. In trade, the label "www.anachrome" is used to label the diopter erased 3D glasses covered by this patent.
(ACB) 3-D
(ACB) 'Anaglyphic Contrast Balance' is an anaglif production method patented by Studio 555. The retina competition of color contrast in the anaglyph image color channel is discussed.
The contrast and detail of the stereo pair is retained and restated for display in anaglyph images. The (ACB) method of balancing color contrast in stereo pairs allows stable view of contrast detail, thus eliminating retinal competition. This process is available for red/cyan channels but can use a combination of opposite color channels. As with all stereoscopic anaglif systems, screen or print, the display colors must be RGB accurate and the gel appearance must match the color channel to prevent double imaging. The basic method (ACB) adjusts red, green and blue, but adjusting all six primary colors is preferred.
The effectiveness of the process (ACB) is evidenced by the inclusion of primary color graphs in the stereo pair. The contrast-balanced view of the stereo pair and the clear color chart in the resulting image (ACB) is processed anaglyph. The process (ACB) also allows black and white anaglyphs (monochromatic) with contrast balance.
Where full color for each eye is activated through alternating color channels and alternating color display filters, (ACB) prevents shimmer from purely colored objects in the modulated image. Parallax vertical and diagonal are enabled with concurrent use of a horizontally oriented lenticular or parallax barrier screen. This enables a Quadrascopic colorful holographic effect from the monitor.
ColorCode 3-D
ColorCode 3-D was deployed in 2000 and used yellow and blue filters. This is intended to give the perception of almost full color display (especially in RG color space) with existing television and paint media. One eye (left, yellow filter) receives cross-spectrum color information and one eye (right, blue filter) sees a monochrome image designed to give a depth effect. The human brain ties the two images together.
Images that are unfiltered will tend to show horizontal fringing of light blue and yellow. The 2D backward compatible viewing experience for audiences that do not wear enhanced glasses generally gets better than previous red and green anaglistic imaging systems, and is further enhanced with post-digital processing usage to minimize fringing. The color and intensity displayed can be subtly adjusted to further enhance the perceived 2D image, with problems only commonly found in cases of extreme blue.
The blue filter is centered around 450 nm and the yellow filter allows light at wavelengths above 500 nm. The wide-spectrum color is possible because the yellow filter allows light to traverse most of the wavelength in the spectrum and even has a slight blue spectrum leak. When presented the original left and right images are run through the ColorCode 3-D encoding process to produce a single encoded ColorCode 3-D image.
In the United Kingdom, Channel 4 television stations began broadcasting a series of codes that were coded using the system during the week of November 16, 2009. Earlier this system has been used in the United States for "all 3-D ads" during the Super 2009 Bowl for SoBe animated films, Monster vs. Alien , and an advertisement for Chuck's television series in which the full episode of the next night uses the format.
Inficolor 3D
Developed by TriOviz, Inficolor 3D is a patent pending stereoscopic system, first shown at the International Broadcasting Convention in 2007 and deployed in 2010. It works with traditional 2D flat panels and HDTV sets and uses expensive glasses with complex color filters and processing special images that allow natural color perception with 3D experience. This is achieved by having a left image using only green channels and right using red and blue channels with some additional post processing, which then brings together two images to produce a near-full color experience. When observed without glasses, some small doubling can be seen in the background of action that allows watching movies or video games in 2D without glasses. This is not possible with traditional brute force anaglical systems.
Inficolor 3D is part of TriOviz for Games Technology, developed in partnership with TriOviz Labs and Darkworks Studio. It works with Sony PlayStation 3 (Official PlayStation 3 Tools & Middleware Licensee) and Microsoft Xbox 360 consoles and PCs. TriOviz for Games Technology was exhibited at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010 by Mark Rein (vice president of Epic Games) as a 3D technology demo running on Xbox 360 with Gears of War 2. In October 2010 this technology has been officially integrated into Unreal Engine 3, a computer game engine developed by Epic Games.
Video games equipped with TriOviz for Games Technology are: Batman Arkham Asylum: Game of the Year Edition for PS3 and Xbox 360 (March 2010), Enslaved: Odyssey to West DLC Pigsy's Perfect 10 for PS3 and Xbox 360 (November 2010), Thor: God of Thunder for PS3 and Xbox 360 (May 2011), Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters PS3 and Xbox 360 (June 2011), Captain America: Super Soldier for PS3 and Xbox 360 (July 2011). Gears of War 3 for Xbox 360 (September 2011), Batman: Arkham City for PS3 and Xbox 360 (October 2011), Assassin's Creed: Revelations < > for PS3 and Xbox 360 (November 2011), and Assassin's Creed III for Wii U (November 2012). The first DVD/Blu-ray including Inficolor 3D Tech is: Battle for Terra 3D (published in France by Pathà © & amp; Studio 37 - 2010).
Most other games can be played in this format with Tridef 3D with display settings set to Color Glass & gt; Green/Purple, though this is not officially supported by Trioviz, but the results are almost identical without limiting the selection of games.
RED/CYAN Anachrome Filter
Variations of anaglyph techniques from the early 2000s are called "Anachrome Methods". This approach is an attempt to provide images that look almost normal, without glasses, for small images, either 2D or 3D. With most negative qualities, hidden by default by a small screen. Be "compatible" for small size posts on conventional websites or magazines. Usually larger files can be selected which will fully present 3D with dramatic definition. The 3D depth effect, (Z axis) is generally smoother than a simple anaglyph image, which is usually made out of a wider spherical stereo pair. Anachrome images are shot with a normally narrower stereo base, (the distance between the camera lens). The pain is taken to adjust for a better overlay of the two images, which are layered one on top of the other. Only a few non-registration pixels provide depth guidance. The perceived color range, feels wider in the Anachrome image, when viewed with the intended filter. This is because the deliberate part of the small (1 to 2%) of the red information through the cyan filter. Warm tones can be improved, as each eye sees some red color references. The brain responds in the process of mental mixing and ordinary perception. It is claimed to provide a warmer and more complex skin shades and clarity.
Interference filter system
This technique uses certain wavelengths of red, green, and blue for the right eye, and different red, green, and blue wavelengths for the left eye. Glasses that filter very specific wavelengths allow the user to see full-color 3D images. The special interference filters (dichromatic filters) in the glass and inside the projector form the technology's main item and have named this system. It is also known as spectral comb filtering or the wavelength of multiplex visualization . Sometimes this technique is described as "bb> super-anaglyph " because it is an advanced form of spectral-multiplexing that is at the heart of conventional anaglical techniques. This technology eliminates the expensive silver screen required for polarized systems like RealD, which is the most common 3D display system in theaters. Indeed, however, needing glasses is much more expensive than polarized systems.
Dolby 3D uses this principle. The filter divides the color spectrum into six narrow bands - two in the red region, two in the green area, and two in the blue region (called R1, R2, G1, G2, B1 and B2 for the purposes of this description). Ribbons R1, G1 and B1 are used for one eye image, and R2, G2, B2 for the other eye. The human eye is largely insensitive to such fine spectrum differences that this technique is capable of producing full-color 3D images with only slight color differences between the eyes.
The Omega/Panavision 3D 3D system also uses this technology, albeit with a wider spectrum and more "teeth" to the "comb" (5 for each eye in the Omega/Panavision system). The use of more spectral bands per eye eliminates the need to color the image process, which is required by the Dolby system. Evenly splitting the visible spectrum between the eyes makes viewers feel more "cool" because the balance of energy and light colors is almost 50-50. Like the Dolby system, the Omega system can be used with a white or silver screen. But it can be used either with film or digital projectors, unlike Dolby filters that are only used on digital systems with the color proof processor provided by Dolby. The Omega/Panavision system also claims that their glasses are cheaper to make than those used by Dolby. In June 2012, the Omega/Panavision 3D 3D system was discontinued by DPVO Theatrical, which markets it on behalf of Panavision, citing "challenging global economic conditions and the 3D market." Although DPVO dissolved its business operations, Omega Optical continues to promote and sell 3D systems to non-theater markets. The Omega Optical 3D system contains projection filters and 3D glasses. In addition to passive 3D stereoscopic systems, Omega Optical has produced enhanced anaglyph 3D glasses. Red anaglif/cyan Omega glasses use complex films of complex metal oxide and high-quality annealed optical glass.
A pair of glasses, with opposite color filters, are used to view anaglyphic photo shots. The red filter lens above the left eye allows red passage to the cyan from within the anaglyph which is considered a light graduation to the dark. The cyan filter (blue/green) over the right eye instead allows the cyan graduation to be red from within the anaglyph which is considered a light graduation to the dark. The red and cyan peripheral colors in the anaglyph view represent the red and cyan channels of the left and right images of parallax-displaced. The respective display filters undo the opposite colored areas, including the graduation from the less pure colored areas, to each display the image from within the color channel. Thus the filter allows each eye to see only the intended view of the color channel in a single anaglyphic image.
Sharp red anaglif spectacles
Unimproved simple paper glasses, can not compensate for the difference of 250 nanometers in the red-cyan filter wavelength. With simple glasses, the red-filtered image is somewhat blurry, while viewing a closed computer screen or a printed image. The retinal focus (RED) differs from the image through the filter (CYAN), which dominates the eye focus. Better quality acrylic glasses often use compensated differential pitch to balance the shift of the red filter focus relative to cyan, which reduces the innate softness and diffraction of red-filtered light. Low powered reading glasses worn together with paper sunglasses also sharpen the image clearly.
The correction is only about 1/2 of the diopter on the red lens. However, some people with corrective sunglasses are disturbed by differences in lens diopters, because one image is a slightly larger magnification than the other. Although supported by many 3D sites, the "fix" diopter effect is still somewhat controversial. Some, especially the nearsighted ones, feel uncomfortable. There is about 400% increase in sharpness with the diopter filter of the mold, and a noticeable increase in contrast and darkness. The American Amblyopia Foundation uses this feature in their plastic glasses for school vision screening of children, assessing greater clarity as a significant plus factor.
Anachrome filter
Plastic cups, developed in recent years, provide the above mentioned "fixes" of diopters, and changes to the cyan filter. This formula provides a deliberate "leak" of the minimum percentage of red light (2%) with the conventional range of the filter. It gives two reddish gestures to the object and detail, such as the color of the lips and red clothing, which blend into the brain. However, care should be taken to cover the red area into nearly perfect registration, or "ghosting" can occur. The anachrome formula lens works well with black and white, but can provide excellent results when the glasses are used by adjusting the "anachrome friendly" image. The US Geological Survey has thousands of appropriate colorful images, depicting the geological features and scenery of the U.S. National Park system. By convention, anachrome images try to avoid excessive separation of cameras and parallaxes, thereby reducing ghosting that the extra color bandwidth introduces to images.
Traditional anaglyph processing method
One monochromatic method using a pair of stereo is available as a digital image, along with access to general purpose image processing software. In this method, the image is executed through a series of processes and stored in the proper transmission and display format such as JPEG.
Some computer programs will create color anaglyphs without Adobe Photoshop, or more complex traditional compositing methods can be used with Photoshop. Using color information, it is possible to obtain reasonable, but not accurate, blue skies, green vegetation, and skin tone. Color information seems annoying when used for brightly colored and/or high contrast objects such as signs, toys, and patterned clothing currently containing colors nearing red or cyan.
Only a few color anaglyphic processes, e.g. the interference filter system used for Dolby 3D, can reconstruct full-color 3D images. However, other stereo display methods can easily produce colorful photos or movies, e.g. a 3D active shutter or a polarized 3D system. Such processes allow for a better viewing convenience than the most limited color anaglical methods. According to entertainment trade papers, 3D movies have been revived in recent years and 3D is now also used in 3D Television.
Depth Adjustment
The recommended adjustments in this section apply to all types of stereograms but very precise when anaglyphed images should be viewed on a computer screen or on printed materials.
The parts of the left and right images that happen to appear on the surface of the screen. Depending on the subject and the composition of the image it may be appropriate to make this parallel to something slightly behind the nearest point of the main subject (like when shooting portraits). This will cause the dots near the subject to "exit" from the screen. For best effect, any part of the image to be imaged forward from the surface of the screen should not cut the image limit, as this may cause an unpleasant "amputation" appearance. Of course it is possible to create a three dimensional "pop-out" frame that surrounds the subject to avoid this condition.
If the subject is a landscape, you may consider putting the front end object on or slightly behind the screen surface. This will cause the subject to be framed by the window boundary and recede into the distance. After the customization is made, cut the image to contain only the sections containing the left and right images. In the example shown above, the top image appears (visually annoying) to exit the screen, with distant mountains popping up on the screen surface. In the lower modifications of this image the red channel has been translated horizontally to bring the images of the nearest rock into a coincidence (and thus appear on the surface of the screen) and distant mountains now appear to recede into the image. This last adjusted image looks more natural, appearing as a view through a window into the landscape.
Scene composition
In the toy image on the right edge of the shelf have been selected as the point where the image coincide and toy toy set so that only the center of the projected outside the rack. When the image is viewed, the edge of the shelf seems to be on the screen, and project the ankle and the muzzle pointing to the viewer, creating the effect of "pop-out".
dual-purpose technique, 2D or 3D "anaglyph compatible"
Since the advent of the Internet, variant techniques have been developed in which images are specifically processed to minimize the visible errors of two layers. This technique is known by various names, most commonly, associated with diopter glasses, and warmer skin tones, is Anachrome. This technique allows most images to be used as large thumbnails, whereas 3D information is encoded into images with fewer parallax than conventional anaglyphs.
Anaglyphic color channel
Anaglyph images may use any combination of color channels. However, if a stereoscopic image should be pursued, the color must be diametrically opposed. Dropping the color channel display, or display filter, allows some images that are meant for other channels to view. It produces stereoscopic double imaging, also called ghosting. The color channels may be left-right. Red/Cyan is the most common. Magenta/Green and Blue/Yellow are also popular. Red/Green and Red/Blue allows monochromatic images especially Red/Green. Many anaglyph makers deliberately integrate pure color channels and display filters to allow for better color perception, but this results in an appropriate level of dual imaging. White Color Channel Brightness: Red-30/Cyan-70, Magenta-41/Green-59 or especially Blue- 11/Yellow-89), lighter display channels may be darkened or a brighter viewing filter can be darkened to allow both eyes balanced view. But the Pulfrich effect can be obtained from the light/dark filter setting. Anaglif image color channels require the loyalty of pure color display and the corresponding view filter gel. The ideal display filter option is determined by the anaglyph color channel to be viewed. Ghosting can be eliminated by ensuring pure color display and viewing filters that display the screen. Retinal competition can be eliminated by the patented (ACB) 3-D 'Anaglyphic Contrast Balance' method by preparing the image pairs prior to color distribution in any color.
In theory, under trichromatic principles, it is possible to introduce a number of limited multi-perspective capabilities (technology is not possible with polarization schemes). This is done by overlapping three images instead of two, in the order of green, red, blue. Viewing such images with red-green glasses will give one perspective, while switching to blue-red will give a slightly different one. In practice, this remains elusive because some of the blue is felt through green gel and most of the green is felt through the blue gel. Theoretically it is also possible to combine stem cells, optimally performing on dark cyan colors, in optimized mesopic vision, to create a fourth filter color and other perspectives; However, this has not been proven, and most televisions can not process such tetrachromatic filtering.
On April 1, 2010, Google launched a feature in Google Street View that shows anaglyphs rather than regular images, allowing users to see the streets in 3D.
Home entertainment
Disney Studios released Hannah Montana & amp; Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert in August 2008, the first anaglyph 3D Blu-ray Disc. This was shown on the Disney Channel with a red-cyan paper cup in July 2008.
However, the Blu-ray Disc anaglyph technique has recently been replaced by the Blu-ray 3D format, which uses Multiview Video Coding (MVC) to encode full stereoscopic images. Although Blu-ray 3D does not require special display methods, and some Blu-ray 3D software players (such as Arcsoft TotalMedia Theater) are able to play anaglyphics, most Blu-ray 3D players connect via HDMI 1.4 to 3D and more. 3D views use more sophisticated stereoscopic display methods, such as sequencing-frame sequencing (with active shutter glasses) or FPR polarization (with the same passive eyewear as RealD theatrical 3D).
These techniques have been used to produce 3-dimensional comic books, especially in the early 1950s, using carefully crafted line drawings in colors that match the filter glasses provided. The material presented comes from a variety of genres, including war, horror, crime, and superhero. Anaglyphed comics are much more difficult to produce than ordinary comics, which require each panel to be drawn several times on the acetate layer. While the first 3D comics in 1953 sold over two million copies, by the end of the year sales had reached their lowest point, although 3D comics continued to be released irregularly to this day.
Science and math
A three-dimensional view can also be used to display a set of scientific data, or to describe a mathematical function. Anaglyph images are well suited for paper presentations, and move the video display (see related neuroimage paper). They can easily be included in science books, and seen with cheap anaglical sunglasses.
Anaglyphy (including, inter alia, aerial photography, telescopic, and microscopic) is being applied to scientific research, popular science, and higher education.
Also, chemical structures, especially for large systems, can be difficult to represent in two dimensions without losing geometric information. Therefore, most computer software can produce anaglyph images, and some chemical textbooks include them.
Currently, there are more sophisticated solutions for available 3D imaging, such as shutter glasses along with fast monitors. This solution is already widely used in science. However, anaglyph images provide a cheap and convenient way to view scientific visualizations.
See also
- Holography
- ImageVis3D
- Phantogram
- Pulfrich effect
- Vektograf
- Wheatstone Viewer
External links
- TEAM - The online Raytracer also generates anaglyphs (for red/blue glasses) and autostereograms
- 3D STEREO PORTAL Video & amp; Photo Collections from the World
- 3D Anaglyph red-cyan
Source of the article : Wikipedia