wedding reception is a party usually held after the completion of the wedding ceremony as a hospitality for those who have attended the wedding, hence the acceptance of the name: the couple receive the community, in the form of family and friends, for the first time as a married couple. The host provides their food and beverage of choice, though wedding cakes are very popular. Entertaining guests after the wedding ceremony is a tradition in most societies, and can last from half an hour to hours or even days.
In some cultures separate marriage celebrations are held for the bride and groom's family.
Before receptions - social events structured around the receiving line, and usually held in the afternoon, with only mild refreshment - become popular, weddings are usually more celebrated with a wedding breakfast (for those whose religious traditions encourage early morning weddings) and wedding balls (for those who married at night). The popularity of the reception, rather than breakfast, dinner, and ball, during the 20th century caused the name reception to be applied to any social event after marriage, whether it be brunch, tea, dinner, or a dance.
Video Wedding reception
Western culture
Until after World War II, most marriage ceremonies were held at the bride's house, in whatever style of entertainment that was in the family facility. It may be a grand ball for wealthy families, lunch for middle-class families, or afternoon tea, featuring cakes and lemonade, for working-class families. The choice depends primarily on the family's economic situation, and in some cases, mass marriage is favored as a way to share costs. At the beginning of the 20th century, the dance hall became common, and hired by people who planned celebrations beyond what they could hold. Typical locations for wedding celebrations now include hotel ballrooms, banquet halls, wedding venues, community halls, social rooms in churches or other shrines where the wedding ceremony takes place, and, especially for small weddings, restaurant and home garden parties. There are also many small businesses that specialize in providing venues for wedding ceremonies and celebrations.
Receive line
Technically, to be reception , instead of some other form of entertainment, guests should be greeted with a receiving line. In the receiving line, the newly married couple, the host, and often their parents and honorary aides, stand in descending order and greet each guest in turn. Every guest greets the person first (first) in the line and, if necessary, introduces himself. The first person then introduces the guest to the next person on the line, and turns to the next guest. As each guest speaks a little better than his name (if necessary) and conventional greetings or congratulations to each person in turn, the line continues unnecessarily. Western etiquette requires at least one of the hosts and a newly married couple, as the guest of honor, to welcome and welcome guests, but other members of the wedding party, parents who do not host parties, siblings, etc., need not stand in line receiver. It is increasingly common to only show couples, as more modern couples host and pay for their own marriage than their parents.
After officially receiving each guest in this manner, the receiving line is completed and the people who have been obliged to stand in it can mingle with the guests, eat, and enjoy a longer conversation.
Large entrance
Another option, especially popular on the East and West Coast of the United States, is to have a magnificent entrance instead of a receiving line. The grand entrance may involve presenting some or all wedding parties, parents, and/or brides.
Weddings are usually introduced by a master ceremony, disc jockey, or band leader. It can be done the same way as they walk down the aisle during the wedding ceremony. This is generally much faster than the receiving line and guests can sit before the wedding reception. In addition, this can be a separate and entertaining event as desired. Introductions can be accompanied by music and information about each person to introduce them to the guests. However, unlike the reception line, it does not give guests the opportunity to talk to the people who are served.
The food served at the wedding reception is determined at the time of the wedding and local customs. Meals can range from one non-alcoholic drink to a wedding cake to an elaborate multi-course dinner. The type of food is chosen entirely based on the host's wisdom.
Some receptions, especially if family culture or religious beliefs forbid alcohol or dance, focus on dessert. The host can also choose to respect regional or local customs, such as by presenting culturally important cakes like croquembouche in France, or featuring thousands of homemade cakes in Pittsburgh.
Wedding cake is often multi-tiered layer cake decorated with white flower decoration. Some couples have a smaller cake display, which comes with a sheet cake.
The groom cake is a tradition observed mainly in the southern United States. In the colonial era and the Victorian era, the icy white wedding cake was considered "too mild" for male appetites, and the choice of a second cake - usually dark fruit cakes and impregnated liquor - was also offered. Today, chocolate is popular, although the groom's cake may be in many flavors and is usually shaped or decorated as something that is important to the groom, like a favorite hobby or sport.
If full meals are served, wedding cakes are usually served after meals. Otherwise, the cake can be served as soon as the family receives all the guests.
Generally, the ceremonial couple cut the first piece of the cake, and with a nod at an ancient Roman wedding ceremony, can feed one bite each other and possibly sip a glass of wine or other drink with a connected arm. Then the cake was served for the guests. As asked to pour tea at a formal tea party, being asked to serve the cake is generally considered an honor.
In most Western countries, either before or after meals are served, toast is made by the wedding, hoping the couple is okay. Generally, toast is proposed by the father of the bride, groom, best man, and/or escort, although there is no list of people who have to make toast, or indeed the necessity to offer toast at all.
New trends involve the addition of DVD slideshows or photo montage videos, which show images of new couples growing and meeting up. It's created using movies and home photos taken over the life of the couple, edited and arranged into music. The montage is displayed either on a large TV or monitor or with an LCD projector.
If there is a dance in the celebration after the wedding, the newly married couple usually open the dance with their first dance. When waltzing is very popular, it is sometimes called waltz bride , although other dance styles are more commonly used now. The style of dancing depends on the nature of the music chosen. Fox trot, two steps, or rumba matches most of the four-count pop ballads. While most contemporary Western couples choose romantic songs and a relatively formal dance style, some couples choose to perform funny choreographic dances. Modern chart hits are becoming an increasingly popular choice for the first dance - the most popular first dance song at UK wedding in 2016 is Thinking Out Loud, a soft rock ballad written by Ed Sheeran and Amy Wadge.
Traditionally, shortly after the dance begins, the guests will soon join in the dance, in the order of precedence, just like any other ball. In a very recent time, some families have told guests not to start dancing until after watching the sometimes long "special" dance line. For example, after the first dance, a newly married couple may dance with their new parents or in-laws. However, there is no requirement that any particular person dance at all, especially with certain people, and there is no order that is really necessary for the couple, their family, or the bridal party to start dancing.
Wedding reception is often when couples want to make sure their family and guests will be entertained, and various options such as disc jockeys, live bands, professional dancers such as ballroom dancers or belly dancers, fire artists and even comedians are brought in. to enhance the celebration and make the marriage stand out. In America and elsewhere, including luxury entertainment at a wedding reception is a luxury. DJ marriage has become increasingly popular in modern culture.
Ceremonies are often made of newlyweds departures. Rice or birdeed, indicating an abundance, can be thrown at a traveling partner, with birdeed preferred by the facility manager, as it requires less cleaner work than rice, and a new, messy substitute, such as blowing soap bubbles or ringing a small bell becomes even more preferred by the cleaning staff.
Since the newlyweds are the guests of honor, other guests are expected to remain at the reception until they leave them, and consequently, it is forcing other guests to newlyweds to stay too long at the party. Sometimes, the newlyweds will make an official draw, so the guests feel free to leave, and then quietly back through another door.
Median wedding costs, including ceremonies and receptions, in the United States, in 2012, is about US $ 18,000, according to a large survey on the online wedding website. Regional differences are significant, with Manhattan residents paying more than six times the population of Alaska. Additionally, surveys may overestimate regular costs due to a biased sample population.
The wedding industry is making $ 161 billion every year, according to Rebecca Mead, author of One Perfect Day . About 50% of all couples marriage budgets are spent on reception only. This is mainly due to the cost of food and alcohol.
Other traditions
The tradition of marriage varies across countries, and between regions of the same country. Some traditions include:
- Money dance, or "dollar dance". Guests pay a small amount of money to dance with the bridegroom or groom. In some cultures, the money is pinned to a special apron worn by the bride or groom. On the other hand, money is collected by friends. This is common among Polish and Italian couples, although many other brides and men often combine them. There is a great debate about the appropriateness of money dance in English-speaking countries, where this practice is criticized for making paying guests to dance or socialize with the bridal couple seems unfriendly, greedy, or unpleasant. It is acceptable when couples and most of their guests are one of the traditional cultures.
- Throw a bridal bouquet and a garter. The bride tossed her bouquet over her shoulder to a group of all single women in attendance. Whoever captures it should be the next to marry. Similarly, the groom throws the bride's garter into the single man, after removing it from his leg. Occasionally, the bride will "install" the bouquet by throwing a bouquet into an engaged woman. The groom then arranges the bouquet-toss fiancée of the winner to receive the bride's garter. Sometimes, the man who catches the garter should put it on the foot of the woman who caught the bouquet, or the garter sold in the lottery instead of being thrown.
- Glass clinking. Guests will often wink their glasses at dinner to ask the newlyweds to stand up and kiss. Some couples fainted in favor of wedding bells for guests to ring instead of tinkling glasses.
- Delicious. The host can give a small gift to each guest. Souvenirs can be chocolates, candles, photo frames, or other small gifts. Such assistance is not required.
Maps Wedding reception
Chinese Culture
Unless the bridal couple has a marriage note, it is best not to give a gift or gift certificate. For Chinese weddings, cash or checks are always the best rewards. In addition, some elderly relatives may also provide gold jewelry. Cash or check should be in a red envelope or a red pocket with the name of the giver on it, and it is always given when entering the restaurant. In choosing the amount of money to be given, the giver carefully avoids the pesky numbers, like 4 and supports a combination of lucky numbers, such as 8 and 9. Also, white envelopes are never used to wrap gifts for weddings or other fun events, such as white color is associated with death.
There are two times listed on the invitation: ?? (g? nghÃÆ'²u/greeting) and ?? (rÃÆ'¹xÃÆ'/acceptance). Usually, they are at least two hours away (some maybe four hours). The first is the time the groom and the bride, along with their family, will be ready to receive guests and welcome them; the second is the reception/banquet time will begin. The gap between these hours is called entertainment time. Very often, the restaurant will provide poker and mahjong (??) for gambling; time can also be used to socialize with other guests and take photos with the bride/woman and their family. Currently, for Chinese married couples in the US, you are less likely to see mahjong played before the banquet; it's often replaced by cocktail parties. However, if wedding receptions take place in southern China, Hong Kong, Macao, and even parts of Canada (where there is a large Cantonese population), mahjong may still be played before dinner.
Sign in
Two people will be at the sign-in desk (one of the bride's family and one from the groom) to register guests and receive a gift/red envelope. Often, they will have two separate guest lists, one from the male side and one from the bride. Then the best person and companion will direct the introductory to escort the guests to their seats.
Banquet Procedures
Typically, banquets will include speeches from parents, best men, companions, and guest speakers. There will be cake cutting, toast, tea ceremony, some games designed by DJs, and dancing. Two tables in the middle of the room for the groom's family and the bride.
Chinese wedding reception usually has nine or ten courses. Expensive dishes such as shark fins, abalone, lobster, jumbo shrimp, squab, sea bass, or sea cucumbers are commonly found in the wedding banquet menu. Whole fish, chicken, or pork means luck and completeness in Chinese wedding culture.
Traditionally, after the fifth meal of the dinner, the groom and the bride and their family will approach each table to bake the guests. Very often, the bride will turn into a traditional Chinese red wedding dress (??, or qÃÆ'pÃÆ'¡o ) at that time, if she has been wearing different styles of clothing before.
Decorations vary by culture and budget.
Source of the article : Wikipedia