World Wide Web (" WWW " or just " Web ") is a global information medium that can be read and written by users through a computer connected to Internet. The term is often misused as a synonym for the Internet itself, but the Web is a service that operates over the Internet, as does email as well. The history of the Internet dates back significantly further than the World Wide Web. The Web is a global information system.
Video History of the World Wide Web
The hypertext part of the Web in particular has an intricate intellectual history; important influences and precursors including Memex Vannevar Bush, IBM Generalized Markup Language, and Ted Nelson Project Xanadu.
The Mundaneum Paul Otlet project has also been named as the early 20th century of the Web.
The concept of a global information system linking homes is interpreted in "A Logic Named Joe", a 1946 short story by Murray Leinster, in which computer terminals, called "logic," are present in every home. Although the computer system in this story is centralized, the story anticipates an ubiquitous information environment similar to the Web. The cultural impact of the web was envisioned further in a short story by E. M. Forster, "The Machine Stops," first published in 1909.
Maps History of the World Wide Web
1980-1991: Web discovery and implementation
In 1980, Tim Berners-Lee, an independent British contractor at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland, built INQUIRE, as a personal database of people and software models, but also as a way to play with hypertext; every new information page in INQUIRE must be linked to an existing page.
Berners-Lee's contract in 1980 was from June to December, but in 1984 he returned to CERN in a permanent role, and considered his information management problem: physicists from all over the world needed to share data, but they did not have a general machine and everything the device handed out soft presentation.
Shortly after Berners-Lee returned to CERN, the TCP/IP protocol was installed on some of the major non-Unix machines at the institution, turning it into Europe's largest Internet site in years. As a result, CERN's infrastructure is ready for Berners-Lee to create the Web.
Berners-Lee wrote a proposal on March 13, 1989 for "a large hypertext database with typed links". Although the proposal attracted little interest, Berners-Lee was encouraged by his boss, Mike Sendall, to begin implementing his system on the newly acquired NeXT workstation. She considers several names, including Mesh Information , Information Mining or Information Mine , but resides on World Wide Web .
Berners-Lee found an enthusiastic supporter at Robert Cailliau. Berners-Lee and Cailliau made Berners-Lee's idea to the European Conference on Hypertext Technology in September 1990, but found no vendor who could appreciate his vision of marrying hypertext with the Internet.
At Christmas 1990, Berners-Lee has built all the necessary tools for a functioning Web: HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 0.9, HyperText Markup Language (HTML), the first Web browser (named WorldWideWeb, which is also a Web editor), server software The first HTTP (later known as CERN httpd), the first web server (, and the first Web page to describe the project itself. Browsers can access Usenet and FTP newsgroup files as well. However, it can only run on NeXT; Therefore Nicola Pellow creates a simple text browser, called Line Browser Mode, which can run on almost any computer. To encourage use within CERN, Bernd Pollermann puts CERN's phone directory on the web - users must first go to the mainframe to look up phone numbers.
While searching and working to organize the Web, Berners-Lee spends most of his working hours at Building 31 (second floor) at CERN ( 46.2325 Â ° N 6.0450 Â ° E / 46.2325; 6.0450 ( CERN Building 31, Place of Birth from World Wide Web ), but also in two houses, one in France, one in Switzerland. In January 1991 the first Web server outside of CERN itself was turned on.
The first web page may be missing, but Paul Jones of UNC-Chapel Hill in North Carolina revealed in May 2013 that he had a copy of the page sent to him in 1991 by Berners-Lee which is the oldest known web page. Jones saves plain text pages, with hyperlinks, on floppy disks and on his NeXT computer. CERN puts the oldest known web page back online in 2014, complete with hyperlinks that help users get started and help them navigate what then is a very small web.
On August 6, 1991, Berners-Lee posted a brief summary of the World Wide Web project on the alt.hypertext newsgroup, inviting collaborators. This date is sometimes confusing with the public availability of the first web server, which has occurred several months in advance.
Paul Kunz from Stanford Linear Accelerator Center visited CERN in September 1991, and was captivated by the Web. He brought the NeXT software back to SLAC, where librarian Louise Addis adapted it to the VM/CMS operating system on the IBM mainframe as a way to display the SLAC online document catalog; this is the first Web server outside Europe and the first in North America. Www-talk mailing list started in the same month.
In 1992, CERN's Computing and Networking Department, led by David Williams, did not support Berners-Lee's work. A two-page email sent by Williams stated that Berners-Lee's work, with the aim of creating facilities to exchange information such as results and comments from CERN's experiment to the scientific community, was not CERN's core activity and was a misallocation of IT CERN resources. Following this decision, Tim Berners-Lee left CERN although many of his colleagues at the IT center advocated his support, in particular, M. Ben Segal of the distributed SHIFT computing project. He left for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he continued to develop the HTTP protocol.
CERN's initial contribution to the Web was the parody band Les Horribles Cernettes, whose promotional image is believed to be among the first five images of the Web.
1992-1995: Web Growth
In keeping with its birth at CERN and the first page opened, early users of the World Wide Web are primarily university-based scientific departments or physics labs such as Fermilab and SLAC. In January 1993, there were fifty Web servers around the world. In April 1993 CERN made the World Wide Web freely available for royalties. In October 1993 there were over five hundred online servers. The first two webcomics started on the World Wide Web in 1993: Doctor Fun and NetBoy .
The initial website combines links to popular HTTP web protocols and Gopher protocols, which provide access to content through hypertext menus presented as file systems rather than through HTML files. Early Web users will navigate either by bookmarking popular directory pages, such as Berners-Lee's first site at, or by consulting the latest listings such as the NCSA's "What's New" page. Some sites are also indexed by WAIS, allowing users to submit full text searches similar to the capabilities that search engines will later provide.
By the end of 1994, the total number of websites was still minutes compared to the current numbers, but quite a number of well-known websites were already active, many of which are precursors or inspiring examples of today's most popular services.
Initial browser
Initially, the web browser is only available for the NeXT operating system. This deficiency was discussed in January 1992, and was lightened in April 1992 by the release of Erwise, an application developed at Helsinki University of Technology, and in May by ViolaWWW, created by Pei-Yuan Wei, which included advanced features such as embedded graphics, scripts, and animations. ViolaWWW was originally an app for HyperCard. Both programs run on the X Window System for Unix. In 1992, the first tests between browsers on different platforms were successfully concluded between 513 and 31 buildings at CERN, between browsers at NexT stations and X11-ported Mosaic browsers.
Students at the University of Kansas adapt an existing text-only hypertext browser, Lynx, to access the web. Lynx is available on Unix and DOS, and some web designers, who are not impressed with glittering graphics websites, argue that websites that are not accessible via Lynx are not worth visiting.
The first Microsoft Windows browser was Cello, written by Thomas R. Bruce for the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School to provide legal information, as access to Windows was wider among lawyers than access to Unix. Cello was released in June 1993.
The Web was first popularized by Mosaic, a graphical browser that was launched in 1993 by Marc Andreessen's team at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). The origins of the Mosaic date until 1992. In November 1992, the NCSA at the University of Illinois (UIUC) established a website. In December 1992, Andreessen and Eric Bina, students attending UIUC and working at NCSA, began work on Mosaic with funding from the High-Performance Computing and Communications Initiative, a US federal research and development program. Andreessen and Bina released a version of Unix browser in February 1993; Mac and Windows versions followed in August 1993. Browsers gained popularity due to the strong support of integrated multimedia, and the author's quick response to user bug reports and recommendations for new features.
After graduating from UIUC, Andreessen and James H. Clark, former CEO of Silicon Graphics, met and formed Mosaic Communications Corporation in April 1994, to develop the Netscape Mosaic browser commercially. The company was later renamed Netscape, and the browser was further developed as Netscape Navigator.
Web governance
In May 1994, the first International WWW Conference, hosted by Robert Cailliau, was held at CERN; conferences have been held every year since then. In April 1993, CERN agreed that anyone could use the Web protocol and the royalty-free code; this is partly a reaction to the disruption caused by the University of Minnesota announcement that they will start charging licenses for the implementation of the Gopher protocol.
In September 1994, Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with support from the Agency for Advanced Defense Research Project (DARPA) and the European Commission. It consists of various companies who are willing to create standards and recommendations to improve the quality of the Web. Berners-Lee makes the Web available freely, without patents and without royalties. The W3C decides that its standards should be based on royalty-free technology, so that they can be easily adopted by anyone.
1996-1998: Commercialization of the Web
In 1996 it became clear to most public companies that public Web presence is no longer optional. While people initially saw the possibility of free publishing and instantaneous information worldwide, enhancing familiarity with two-way communication through "Web" led to the possibility of instant-based web commerce (e-commerce) and instantaneous group communications around the world. More dotcoms, displaying products on hypertext web pages, added to the Web.
1999-2001: " Dot-com "boom and bust
The low interest rate in 1998-99 facilitated the increase of the new company. Although some of these new entrepreneurs have realistic plans and administrative skills, most of them lack these characteristics but are able to sell their ideas to investors because of the new dot-com concept.
Historically, the dot-com boom can be seen as similar to a number of other technology-inspired booms in the past including the 1840s railroads, early twentieth-century cars, radio in the 1920s, televisions in 1940 -an, electronic transistor in the 1950s, computer time divisions in the 1960s, and home computers and biotechnology in the 1980s.
In 2001 the bubble broke out, and many dot-com companies went out of business after burning their venture capital and failing to become profitable. Yet many others survived and flourished in the early 21st century. Many companies that started as online retailers thrived and became very profitable. More conventional retailers find online merchandising as a profitable source of additional revenue. While some online entertainment and news outlets fail when their seed capital is depleted, others survive and eventually become economically independent. Traditional media outlets (newspaper publishers, broadcasters and cablecasters in particular) also find the Web to be a useful and profitable additional channel for content distribution, and additional means of generating ad revenue. Sites that survive and eventually prosper after the bubble burst have two similarities; a healthy business plan, and a niche in a market that, if not unique, is especially well defined and well served.
2002-present: Web becomes ubiquitous
As a result of the dot-com bubble, telecom companies have a lot of excess capacity because many Internet business clients go bankrupt. That, plus the ongoing investment in local cellular infrastructure makes the cost of connectivity low, helping to make high-speed internet connectivity more affordable. During this time, some companies have found success developing business models that help make the World Wide Web a more engaging experience. This includes airline booking sites, Google search engines and a profitable approach to keyword-based advertising, as well as eBay auction sites and's online department stores.
This new era also creates social networking sites, such as MySpace and Facebook, which gain acceptance quickly and become a central part of youth culture. The year 2010 also saw the emergence of various controversial trends, such as the expansion of cybercrime, manosphere and internet censorship.
Web 2.0
Beginning in 2002, new ideas for sharing and exchanging ad hoc content, such as Weblog and RSS, quickly gained acceptance on the Web. The new model for this exchange of information, primarily featuring user-generated and user-edited websites, is dubbed Web 2.0. The Web 2.0 boom sees many new service-oriented startups serving the newly democratized Web.
As the Web becomes easier to query, it achieves greater ease of use overall and gains a sense of organization that ushered in a rapid popularization period. Many new sites like Wikipedia and Wikimedia Foundation sister projects are based on the concept of user-edited content. In 2005, three former PayPal employees created a video website called YouTube, which quickly became popular and introduced new concepts of user-submitted content in major events.
The popularity of YouTube, Facebook, etc., combined with increased availability and affordability of high-speed connections has made video content much more common across all types of websites. Many hosting and video creation sites provide an easy means for their videos to be embedded on third party websites without payment or permission.
The combination of more user-generated or edited content, and easy sharing of content, such as via RSS widgets and video embeds, has led to many sites with a distinctive "Web 2.0" feel. They have articles with embedded videos, user-submitted comments under articles, and an RSS box to the side, a list of some of the latest articles from other sites.
The ongoing extension of the Web has focused on connecting devices to the Internet, creating Smart Device Management. Because Internet connectivity is becoming common, manufacturers are already beginning to harness the expanded computing power of their devices to improve their usability and capabilities. Through Internet connectivity, manufacturers can now interact with devices they have sold and ship to their customers, and customers can interact with manufacturers (and other providers) to access new content.
"Web 2.0" has found its place in the English lexicon.
Semantic Web
Popularized by Berners-Lee's Weaving the Web and Scientific American by Berners-Lee, James Hendler, and Ora Lassila, the term Semantic Web describes the evolution of existing ones. The web where a hyperlinked network of human readable web pages is extended by machine-readable metadata about documents and how they are related to each other, enabling automated agents to access the Web smarter and perform tasks on behalf of users. This has not happened yet. In 2006, Berners-Lee and colleagues claimed that the idea "largely remains unrealized".
See also
- Hypermedia
- Linked Data
- Lib Computer/Dream Machine
- Hypertext history
- Internet History
- Web browser history
- Web syndication technology history
- List of websites established before 1995
External links
- The first website
- Bemer, Bob, "A History of Source Concepts for Internet/Web"
- World Wide Web History Project
- Important Events in World Wide World History
- "Main Leaders in Internet and World Wide Web Developments". University of North Carolina. Archived from original on May 7, 2006 . Retrieved July 3rd, 2006 . Ã,
- "How It All Begins" (slide), Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, December 2004
- "A Little History of the World Wide Web: from 1945 to 1995", Dan Connolly, W3C, 2000
- "The World Wide Web: Past, Present and Future", Tim Berners-Lee, August 1996
- Internet History, Computer History Museum
- 25 Years of the Internet
Source of the article : Wikipedia