The Huckleberry Finn Adventure (or, in a later edition, Huckleberry Finn Adventure ) is a novel by Mark Twain , first published in England in December 1884 and in the United States in February 1885. Usually named among the Great American novels, this work includes the first in major American literature written in vernacular English, characterized by local regionalism color. Told to the first person by Huckleberry "Huck" Finn, the narrator of two other Twain novels ( Tom Sawyer Abroad
The book is famous for its colorful descriptions of people and places along the Mississippi River. Stipulated in the antebellum community of the South that has been lost there about 20 years before the work was published, The Huckleberry Finn adventure is a satir that is often spicy on rooted attitudes, especially racism.
Very popular with readers, Huckleberry Finn Adventure has also been the subject of continued study by literary critics since its publication. The book has been heavily criticized after being released for extensive use of harsh language. Throughout the twentieth century, and despite the argument that the protagonists and books were anti-racist, the criticism of the book continued because of the perceived use of racial stereotypes and the frequent use of racial "niggers".
Video Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
In order of appearance:
- Huckleberry Finn ("Huck" to his friends) is a boy about "thirteen or fourteen years old or there". (Chapter 17) She was raised by her father, a drunken city, and had a hard time fitting in with the community.
- Widow Douglas is a kind woman who has taken Huck after she helped save her from a hard house invasion. He tried his best to cultivate Huck, believing it was his Christian duty.
- Miss Watson is the widow's sister, a hardened spinster who also lives with them. She's pretty hard on Huck, causing her to be very angry with her. Mark Twain may have taken inspiration for this character from some of the people he knew in his life.
- Jim is a physically large but subtle physical servant of Miss Watson. Huck gets very close to Jim when they reunite after Jim escapes from Miss Watson's household to seek shelter from slavery, and Huck and Jim become fellow travelers on the Mississippi River.
- Tom Sawyer is Huck's best friend and best friend, the main character of the other Twain novel and the leader of the town children in adventure. He is "the best fighter and the smartest child in town".
- "Pap" Finn , Huck's father, a brutal alcohol drifter. He hates Huck getting any education. His only genuine interest in his son was to beg or extort money to feed his alcohol addiction.
- Judith Loftus plays a small part in the novel - being the kind and perceptive woman Huck talks about to find out about Jim's quest - but many critics believe she is the best drawn female character in the novel. The Grangerfords , an aristocratic Kentuckian family headed by Colonel Saul Grangerford man, brought Huck in after he was separated from Jim in Mississippi. Huck became close friends with the youngest man of the family, Buck Grangerford , which is the age of Huck. By the time Huck met them, Grangerfords had been involved in an aging blood feud with another local family, Shepherdsons. The Duke
- Doctor Robinson is the only one who admits that the King and the Duke are ignorant when they pretend to be British. He warns the city but they ignore it.
- Mary Jane, Joanna, and Susan Wilks were the three young nephews of their rich guardian Peter Wilks who had just died. Duke and the king tried to steal the legacy left by Peter Wilks, disguised as Peter's alienated brothers from England.
- Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas Phelps bought Jim from "Duke" and "King". He is a loving, tall-loving peasant wife, and he's a slow old man, both a farmer and a priest. Huck posed as their nephew, after he parted from the swindler.
Maps Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Plot summary
In Missouri
The story begins in the fictitious St. Petersburg, Missouri (based on the city of Hannibal, Missouri), on the banks of the Mississippi River "forty to fifty years ago" (novel published in 1884). Huckleberry "Huck" Finn (his first protagonist and narrator) and his friend Thomas "Tom" Sawyer, each earning huge sums of money as a result of their previous adventures (details in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ). Huck explains how he was placed under the guardianship of Douglas's widow, who along with his tight brother, Miss Watson, tried to "awaken" him and teach him religion. Finding a finite civilized life, his soul was resurrected when Tom Sawyer helped him escape one night past a slave of Mrs Watson, Jim, to meet his "proclaimed" criminal gangs. Just as the gang activity begins to bore Huck, he is suddenly distracted by the reappearance of his unchangeable father, "Pap", a rough alcoholic. Knowing that the Pap would only spend his money on alcohol, Huck had prevented Pap from gaining his fortune; However, Pap kidnaps Huck and leaves the city with him.
In Illinois and on Jackson's Island
Pap forcibly removed Huck to his secluded cabin in the woods along the Illinois coastline. Due to the drunkenness of Pap's drunkenness and Huck's imprisonment in the cabin, Huck, during one of his father's absences, falsified his own death, escaped from the cabin, and headed downstream. He settled comfortably, at Jackson's Island. Here, Huck rejoins with Jim, slave of Miss Watson. Jim has also run away after he heard Miss Watson plan to sell it "to the river" to a more brutal owner. Jim plans to go to Cairo city in Illinois, a free country, so he can later buy the remaining freedom of his enslaved family. At first, Huck conflicted about sin and evil supporting escaping slaves, but as both spoke deeply and attached to the superstitions they held, Huck was emotionally connected with Jim, who became a close friend and guardian of Huck. After a massive flood in the river, the two found a raft (which they store) as well as the entire house floating in the river (Chapter 9: "The House of Death Floats With"). Entering the house for booty, Jim finds the naked body of a man lying on the floor, shot in the back. He prevents Huck from seeing his body.
To find out the latest news in the city, Huck dresses as a girl and enters the home of Judith Loftus, a new woman to the area. Huck learned from him about the news of his alleged murder; Pap was initially blamed, but because Jim escaped he was also a suspect and a prize for the arrest Jim had started the hunt. Mrs. Loftus became increasingly suspicious that Huck was a man, eventually proving it with a series of tests. Once he was exposed, he still allowed him to leave his house without a fuss, unaware that he was the allegedly murdered boy they had just discussed. Huck goes back to Jim to tell him the news and that the search group will come to Jackson's Island that same night. Both rush to fill the raft and depart.
After a while, Huck and Jim found a steamship that was grounded. The search, they found two thieves who discussed the third murder, but they fled before being noticed. They are then separated in the fog, making Jim very anxious, and when they reunite, Huck deceives Jim into thinking he's dreaming of the whole thing. Jim was not fooled for long, and was deeply hurt that his friend should have teased him mercilessly. Huck becomes apologetic and apologizes to Jim, though his conscience troubles him about humbling himself to a black man.
In Kentucky: Grangerfords and Shepherdsons
The next ride, Huck and Jim's raft were hit by a passing steamship, once again separating the two. Huck was granted protection on the Kentucky side of the river by Grangerfords, the "aristocratic" family. He befriended Buck Grangerford, a boy about his age, and learns that Grangerfords was involved in a 30-year blood clash against another family, Shepherdsons. The Grangerfords and Shepherdsons went to the same church, which ironically proclaimed brotherly love. The vendetta finally comes to a head when Buck elopes brother with a Shepherdson clan member. In the conflict, all the Grangerford men from this family branch were shot and killed, including Buck, who Huck witnessed a terrible murder. He was so relieved to be reunited with Jim, who has since recovered and repaired the raft.
In Arkansas: Duke and King
Near the Arkansas-Missouri-Tennessee border, Jim and Huck picked up two grifter who were walking on the raft. The younger man, who was about thirty, introduced himself as the long-lost Duke of Bridgewater. The elder, about seventy, then defeats this outrageous claim by alleging that he himself is the Lost Dauphin, son of Louis XVI and the legitimate King of France. The "duke" and "king" soon became permanent passengers on Jim and Huck's raft, conducting a series of belief schemes to unsuspecting local residents throughout their journey. To divert suspicions from the public away from Jim, they regard him as a recaptured slave, but then paint him entirely blue and call him "Arab Sicker" so he can move without a splash.
On one occasion, the fraudsters advertise a three-night engagement from a drama called "The Royal Nonesuch". The drama turned out to be worth only a few minutes of absurd, improperly perverted. On the afternoon of the first show, a drunk named Boggs was shot dead by a man named Colonel Sherburn; lynch mob shape to avenge Sherburn; and Sherburn, surrounded at his home, dispersed the masses by making a challenging speech depicting how the actual hanging should be done. On the third night of "The Royal Nonesuch", the townspeople prepare for their revenge on the Duke and the king for their money scam, but two smarts miss the city along with Huck and Jim just before the show begins.
In the next town, the two swindlers mimicked Peter Wilks's brother, a man who had just died. To match the accounts of the Wilks brothers, the king attempted a British accent and the duke pretended to be deaf-mute as he began collecting Wilks's inheritance. Huck decides that the three nephews of orphan Wilks, who treat Huck with kindness, do not deserve to be cheated so he tries to take the legacy of the stolen inheritance to them. At a time of despair, Huck was forced to hide the money in Wilks's coffin, which was suddenly buried the next morning. The arrival of two new people who seem to be real brothers throw everything into confusion, so the townspeople decide to dig a coffin to determine the right brother, but, with everyone else distracted, Huck goes for a raft, hoping never to see the duke and the king again. Suddenly, though, two criminals return, much to Huck's desperation. When Huck finally gets away a second time, he finds the horror that the fraudsters have sold Jim to a family that intends to return it to the proper owner for the prize. Oppose his conscience and accept the negative religious consequences he expects for his actions - "Well then, I'll go to hell!" - Huck decides to free Jim once and for all.
In sponsorship of Phelps'
Huck knows that Jim is being held at Silas and Sally Phelps plantations. The family niece, Tom, is expected to visit at the same time the arrival of Huck, so Huck is mistaken for Tom and welcomed into their home. He plays together, hoping to find Jim's location and free him; in a surprising twist plot, it was revealed that the niece expected, in fact, Tom Sawyer. When Huck cuts off the real Tom Sawyer on the street and tells it all to him, Tom decides to join the Huck scheme, pretending to be the younger half sister, Sid, while Huck continues to pretend to be Tom. Meanwhile, Jim has told his family about two grifters and a new plan for "The Royal Nonesuch", and therefore the townspeople captured the dukes and kings, who were then laid and smoothed and driven out of the city on the tracks.
Instead of just smuggling Jim out of the warehouse where he was being held, Tom developed a complicated plan to free him, involving secret messages, hidden tunnels, snakes in the warehouse, rope ladders sent in Jim's food, and other elements of adventure. the books he had read, including an anonymous note to Phelps who warned them about the whole scheme. During the actual escape and the resulting pursuit, Tom is shot in the leg, while Jim stays by his side, taking the risk of recapturing rather than completing his escape alone. Although a local doctor admired Jim's courtesy, he held Jim in his sleep and returned to Phelps. After this, events quickly resolve themselves. Aunt Tom, Polly, arrived and revealed the true identity of Huck and Tom to the Phelps family. Jim is revealed to be a free man: Miss Watson died two months earlier and frees Jim in his will, but Tom (who already knows this) chose not to disclose this information to Huck so he can come up with an artful rescue plan for Jim. Jim tells Huck that Huck's father (Pap Finn) has been dead for some time (he is a dead person they found earlier in a floating house), and Huck can now safely return to St. Petersburg. Huck declares that he is quite happy to write his story, and despite Sally's plan to adopt and cultivate it, he intends to flee west to the Indian Territory.
Main theme
Huckleberry Finn's Adventure explores race and identity themes. There is a complexity about Jim's character. While some scholars point out that Jim is kind, moral, and he is not stupid (in contrast to some of the more illustrated white characters), others criticize the novel as racist, citing the use of the word "negro" and emphasizing the stereotypical "comic" treatment of lack of education, superstition, and Jim's ignorance.
Throughout the story, Huck is in moral conflict with the values ââhis society accepts, and while he can not consciously deny those values ââeven in his mind, he makes moral choices based on his own judgments about Jim's friendship and Jim's human values , a decision that is in direct conflict with the things that have been taught to him. Mark Twain, in his lecture notes, proposed that "a healthy heart is a clearer guide than an untrained conscience" and continues to describe this novel as "... a book of mine in which a healthy heart and a defective conscience comes into being collisions and conscience suffered defeat ".
To highlight the hypocrisy necessary to justify slavery in a forced moral system, Twain had Huck's father enslaving his son, isolating him, and beating him. When Huck escapes, he then immediately meets Jim "illegally" doing the same thing. The treatment they both received was very different, especially with the encounter with Mrs. Judith Loftus who feels sorry for whom she considers an escaping student, Huck, yet boasts of her husband sending the dogs after a runaway slave, Jim.
Some scholars discuss the character of Huck himself, and the novel itself, in the context of its relationship to African-American culture as a whole. John Alberti quotes Shelley Fisher Fishkin, writing in his 1990s Huck Black: Mark Twain and the African-American Voice, by limiting their field of investigation to the periphery, the white scholar has longed for the ways in which the African-American voice forms Twain's creative imagination at its core. "It is suggested that the character of Huckleberry Finn describes the correlation, and even the linkage, between white and black cultures in the United States.
Original illustration performed by E.W. Kemble, at the time of a young artist working for Life magazine. Kemble was singled out by Twain, who admired his work. Hearn points out that Twain and Kemble have the same skills, writing that:
Whatever he may have in technical elegance... Kemble shares with the greatest illustrator the ability to give even small individuals in a text of his own distinct visual personality; just as Twain deftly defines full integer characters in several phrases, so does Kemble describes with some of the same pen scratches all his characters.
Since Kemble was only able to buy one model, most of the illustrations produced for the book were conducted by guesswork. When the novel was published, the illustration was praised even when the novel was heavily criticized. E.W. Kemble produced another set of illustrations for Harper's and American Publishing Company in 1898 and 1899 after Twain lost copyright.
Effects Publications on the literary climate
Twain was originally conceived of a job as a sequel to the Tom Sawyer Adventure that would follow Huckleberry Finn into adulthood. Starting with several pages that have been removed from previous novels, Twain began working on a manuscript originally titled Huckleberry Finn's Autobiography. Twain worked on the manuscript and for the next few years, finally abandoned the original plan to follow Huck's development into adulthood. He seems to have lost interest in the script while it is in progress, and put it aside for a few years. After traveling down the Hudson River, Twain returns to his work on the novel. Upon completion, the title of the novel is parallel to its predecessor: Huckleberry Finn's Adventure (Friend Tom Sawyer) .
Mark Twain compiled his story in pen form on a paper between 1876 and 1883. Paul Needham, who oversaw the script authentication for Sotheby's book and manuscript in New York in 1991, stated, "What you see is Clemens' effort to move away from writing pure literature for the writing of dialects ". For example, Twain revised the opening line of Huck Finn three times. He originally wrote, "You will not know about me", which he changed to, "You do not know about me", before setting out in the last version, "You do not know about me, without you having read the book by the name 'Tom Sawyer Adventures 'but that does not matter. "The revisions also show how Twain reworked the material to reinforce the character of Huck and Jim, as well as his sensitivity to the ongoing debate and voting.
The next version is the first typed script sent to the printer.
Requests for the book were scattered outside the United States. The Huckleberry Finn adventure was finally published on December 10, 1884, in Canada and the United Kingdom, and on February 18, 1885, in the United States. The illustration on page 283 became the subject after an engraver, whose identity was never found, made an additional last minute on Kemble's photo plates of old Silas Phelps, who drew attention to Phelps's thighs. Thirty thousand copies of the book had been printed before the obscenity was discovered. New plates are created to improve illustrations and repair existing copies.
In 1885, Buffalo Public Library curator James Fraser Gluck approached Twain to donate the manuscript to the library. Twain did it. It was later believed that half the page had been misplaced by the printer. In 1991, the first missing piece appeared in the steam trunk belonging to Gluck's descendants. The Library managed to claim ownership and, in 1994, opened the Mark Twain Room to show off the treasure.
In relation to the literary climate at the time of book publication in 1885, Henry Nash Smith described the importance of Mark Twain's established reputation as a "professional humorist", having published more than a dozen other works. Smith states that while "the decadent decadent romance of the late nineteenth century is a necessary operation," Adventures of Huckleberry Finn illustrates "previously inaccessible imaginative resources, but also makes everyday language, with a new source of new fun and energy, available for American prose and poetry in the twentieth century. "
While it is clear that the publishing of the controversial "Hugleberry Finn Adventures" from the start, Norman Mailer, writing at The New York Times in 1984, concludes that the Twain novel was not originally "deemed too unpleasant. " In fact, Mailer writes: "The critical climate could barely anticipate T. S. Eliot and Ernest Hemingway's 50 years later," the review will remain in American consciousness.
Alberti pointed out that academic establishments responded to the book's challenges both underestimated and with confusion. During the Twain, and today, advocates of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn silenced all non-academic critics of this book together as extremists and 'censors' so as to make a complaint about the 'rudeness' of this book from the guardians pro-bourgeois Concord Public Library in the 1880s with more recent objections based on race and civil rights. "
After the American edition was published in 1885 some libraries banned it from their shelves. Early critique focuses on what is considered to be the roughness of the book. One incident was told in the newspaper Boston Transcript :
The Concord Public Library Committee (Mass.) Has decided to exclude Mark Twain's latest book from the library. One member of the committee said that, while he did not want to call him immoral, he thought it contained a bit of humor, and that was a very rough type. He thinks of it as the most cunning garbage. Libraries and other members of the committee entertained the same views, characterized as rude, abusive, and clumsy, dealing with an unfolding series of experiences, the whole book being more suitable for slums than intelligent and respectable people.
Writer Louisa May Alcott also criticized the publication of the book, saying that if Twain "can not think of anything better to say to our pure-minded youth and youth, he should stop writing for them."
Twain then commented to his editor, "Apparently, the Concord library has cursed Huck as 'garbage and is only suitable for slums.' It will sell us twenty five thousand copies for sure! "
In 1905, New York's Brooklyn Public Library also banned the book because of "bad choice of words" and Huck "not only itchy but scratched" in the novel, which is considered obscene. When asked by the Brooklyn librarian about the situation, Twain cynically replied:
I'm very annoyed with what you say. I am writing 'Tom Sawyer' & amp; 'Huck Finn' for adults exclusively, & amp; it always makes me sad when I find out that boys and girls are allowed to access it. The mind that gets dirty in youth will never be washed again. I know this based on my own experience, & amp; To this day, I appreciate the unpleasant bitterness of unfaithful guards in my young life, who not only allowed but forced me to read the unfolded Bible until before I was 15 years old. No one can do it and draw a sweet breath again on the side of this grave.
Many of the subsequent critics, Ernest Hemingway among them, have canceled the final chapters, claiming the book "turned into little more than the satirical satire and comedy" after Jim was arrested. Although Hemingway states, "All modern American literature comes from" Huck Finn ", and calls it" the best book we have, "he reminds us," If you have to read it, you have to stop where Nigger Jim is stolen of boys. sic ] It's a real ending, the rest just cheating. "Pulitzer Prize winner Ron Powers states in his Twain biography ( Mark Twain: A Life >) that "Huckleberry Finn survives as a masterpiece of consensus though this last chapter", in which Tom Sawyer leads Huck through intricate machinations to save Jim.
In his introduction to The Annotated Huckleberry Finn, Michael Patrick Hearn writes that Twain "can be without barriers without hindrance", and quotes critic William Dean Howells, a contemporary Twain, who writes that "the author's humor is not for most women". However, Hearn goes on to explain that "The quiet Howell found nothing in Huckleberry Finn's very offensive evidence that needs to be crossed out".
Much of the modern scholarship about Huckleberry Finn has focused on his treatment of race. Many scholars of Twain argue that the book, by humanizing Jim and exposing the error of racist assumptions about slavery, is an attack on racism. Others argue that the book fails in this regard, especially in his description of Jim. According to Professor Stephen Railton of the University of Virginia, Twain can not fully rise above the black people's stereotypes expected and enjoyed by white readers, and, therefore, turn to comedy style shows to provide humor at Jim's expense. , and ultimately confirm rather than challenge the racial stereotype of the 19th century.
In one instance, the controversy led to dramatically changed textual interpretations: in 1955, CBS sought to avoid controversial material in a TV version broadcast by abolishing all mention of slavery and completely removing Jim's character.
Because of the controversy over whether Huckleberry Finn is racist or anti-racist, and since the word "negro" is often used in novels (a word commonly used in Twain times that has since become vulgar and taboo), many questioning the appropriateness of teaching books in the US public school system - the question of the word "negro" is illustrated by Virginia school administrators in 1982 who called the novel "the most horrible example of racism I have ever felt." I've seen in my life. "According to the American Library Association, Huckleberry Finn is the fifth most-challenged book in the United States during the 1990s.
There have been several recent cases involving protests for a novel ban. In 2003, high school student Calista Phair and his grandmother Beatrice Clark in Renton, Washington, proposed to ban the book from classroom lessons in the Renton School District, though not from the public library, for the word "negro". Clark filed a request with the school district in response to a requested reading of the book, requesting the novel be removed from the English language curriculum. Two curriculum committees that consider his request ultimately decided to keep the novel in the 11th grade curriculum, although they delayed until the panel had time to review the novel and establish a special teaching procedure for the controversial topic of the novel.
In 2009, a Washington state high school teacher requested the removal of the novel from the school curriculum. The teacher, John Foley, calls for the replacement of Huckleberry Finn's Adventure with a more modern novel. In the opinion column that Foley wrote on Seattle Post Intelligencer , he stated that all "novels using 'N-word' repeatedly have to leave." He states that teaching novels is not only unnecessary, but difficult because the offending language in novels with many students becomes uncomfortable in "just hearing [the N-word]." He views this change as "common sense," with Obama's election to office as a sign that Americans are "ready for change," and that by removing these books from reading lists they will follow these changes.
Book publishers have made their own efforts to reduce controversy through rough publications. The 2011 edition of the book, published by NewSouth Books, replaces the word "nigger" with "slave" (though not addressed to the liberated person) and does not use the term "Injun." Mark Twain expert Alan Gribben said he hopes this edition will be more friendly to use in the classroom, rather than having works banned directly from class listings because of the language.
According to publisher Suzanne La Rosa "In NewSouth, we see grades in editions that will help the works find new readers.If the publication sparks a good debate about how language affects learning or about the nature of censorship or the way in which racial insults use their bad influence, then our mission in publishing the new edition of Twain's work will be met with more empathy. "Another scholar, Thomas Wortham, criticized the change, saying the new edition" does not challenge children to ask, 'Why does a child like Huck use such a deplorable language?' "
In 2016, Huckleberry Finn Adventures have been removed from the public school district in Virginia, along with the To Kill a Mockingbird novel, as they use racial insults.
Source of the article : Wikipedia