West Shore School District , is a large, suburban public school district, with its main office located in Lewisberry, Pennsylvania. Superintendent is Todd Stoltz. The district serves students in the eastern County Cumberland and North York district. It serves the municipalities of Lemoyne, New Cumberland and Wormleysburg borough and Lower Allen Township in Cumberland County; Borough Goldsboro and Lewisberry, Township and Newberry City in York City. The West Shore School District covers about 78 square miles (200 km 2 ). According to 2000 federal census data, the District serves a population of 57,960. In 2010, the district population increased to 62,514 people.
According to the Pennsylvania Center for Budget and Policy, 26 District students live at 185% or below the Federal Poverty Rate [1] as demonstrated by their eligibility for a federal federal school meal program free of charge or deducted in 2012. In 2009, the District income per capita the population is $ 24,740, while the average family income is $ 57,500. At Commonwealth, the average family income was $ 49.501 and the average family income of the United States was $ 49,445, in 2010. In York County, the average household income was $ 57,494. In 2013, the average household income in the United States rose to $ 52,100.
According to District officials, in the 2007-08 school year, the West Shore School District provided basic education services for 8,016 students through employing 670 teachers, 451 full-time and part-time support personnel, and 43 administrators. The West Shore School District received over $ 23.2 million in state funding in the 2007-08 school year. According to district reports, 58% of students live in York County, while 42% live in Cumberland County. In the 2009-10 academic year, the West Shore School District provided basic education services for 7,926 students. The district employs: 678 teachers, 420 full-time and part-time support personnel, and 39 administrators. The West Shore School District receives more than $ 23.6 million in state funding in the 2009-10 academic year.
Based on enrollment, the school district is the largest serving Cumberland County and one of the largest in the greater Harrisburg metropolitan area. It was formed in 1966 from four small districts of Cumberland County and one school district in York County. About 58 percent of the district students come from York County, with the remaining 42 percent coming from Cumberland County. Eighty percent of the district is in York County.
West Shore School District operates two high schools (grades 9-12). Most students from Cumberland County study at Cedar Cliff High School and most York County students attend Red Land High School. The district also operates three secondary schools (grades 6-8), and ten elementary schools (K-5 classes). The number of enrollments in 2005-06 was 8,344 students.
Video West Shore School District
The West Shore School District is governed by 9 individually elected council members (serving a four year term), Pennsylvania State Education Council, Pennsylvania Education Department and the Pennsylvania General Assembly. The federal government controls the funded programs such as Title I funding for low-income children in the Basic and Intermediate Education Act and the Child Nothing Act, which mandates district focus resources on students' success in acquiring reading and math skills. The district is divided into 3 election zones. Three board members are selected from each zone.
The Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy The Alternative Sunshine Review gives school board and school district administration a "C-" for transparency based on reviews "What information can people find on their school district website". It examines the school district's website for information on; taxes, current budgets, meetings, names and terms of school board members, contracts, audits, public record information and more.
Visitors can view the District Council meetings and direct study sessions from the site's opening page on the evening of the meeting.
Maps West Shore School District
Allen and Rossmoyne Elementary Schools are connected; Lower Allen is k-2 class, and Rossmoyne is grade 3-5, like Mount Zion and Fairview Elementary School used to be. Fairview Elementary School is now k-5.
Academic achievement
By 2015, the West Shore School District ranks 296 out of the 496 Pennsylvania public school district, by the Pittsburgh Business Times. Ranking is based on the last 3 years of student achievement as demonstrated by the PSSA results in: reading, writing, math and science and three Keystone Exams (literature, Algebra 1, Biology I) in secondary school. Three school districts were excluded because they did not operate high school (District School District Saint Clair, Borough District Midland District, Duquesne City Municipal District). PSSA is provided to all children in grades 3 through 8. A customized PSSA exam is provided to children in a special education program. Writing exams are given to children in grades 5 and 8.
- State-wide overachiever ratings
In 2013, the Pittsburgh Business Times also reported Overachievers Rating for 498 Pennsylvania school districts. West Shore School District ranked 451. In 2012, the district is ranked 440th. The editor describes the rankings as: "ranked answering the question - which school district is better than expected on the basis of the economy? This rank takes the Honor Roll ranking and adds the percentage of students in the district eligible for free lunch and low price into the formula. the highest ranking in this ranking is destroying expectations, and each district above the median point exceeds expectations. "
In 2009, student achievement in the West Coast School District was below 38 percentile among 500 Pennsylvania school districts. The scale (0-99; 100 is the best)
Area of ​​AYP District
In 2012, the West Coast School District rejected Warning status when 8 of the 16 schools did not reach AYP. In 2010 and 2011, the West Coast School District, overall, achieved AYP status under the federal Child Noft Left Behind Act. In 2011, 7 District schools did not achieve Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). In 2011, 94 percent of the 500 Pennsylvania public school districts achieved the No Child Left Behind Act progress rate of 72% of students reading at the classroom level and 67% of students showed at the math level of the class. In 2011, 46.9 percent of the Pennsylvania school district achieved Adequate Annual Advance (AYP) based on student performance. An additional 37.8 percent of Pennsylvania's public school district makes AYP based on countless methods called safe ports, 8.2 percent on growth models and 0.8 percent on average performance of two years. The West Shore School District achieves AYP status annually from 2006 to 2010.
- 2005 - Warning status due to student achievement left behind.
- 2004 - reached AYP status
- 2003 - Warning status due to student achievement left behind.
Cedar Cliff High School
Cedar Cliff High School is located at 1101 Carlisle Road, Camp Hill. In 2014, enrollment is reported as 1268 students in grades 9 through 12, with 30% of students eligible for free lunch due to family poverty. In addition, 19.9% ​​of students receive special education services, while 5.5% of students are identified as gifted. School employs teachers. As per the PA Department of Education, 100% of teachers are rated "Highly Qualified" under the Federal Non-Federal Children Act.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, Cedar Cliff High School reported enrollment of 1,322 students in grades 9 through 12, with 281 students eligible for free lunch or low federal prices. The school employs 95 teachers, resulting in a student-teacher ratio of 14: 1. According to a 2012 report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 4 teachers are ranked "No Highly Qualified" under No Child Left Behind.
- 2014 School Profile Profile
Cedar Cliff High School reaches 78.3 out of 100. Reflects at the level of reading, math and science achievement. In reading/literature - 73% are at the grade level. In Algebra 1, only 56% indicate class-level skills at the end of the course. In Biology, 52.9% indicated a grade-level science understanding at the end of the course. Across the state, the percentage of highly skilled and proficient SMA students in Algebra I increased to 39.7% to 40.1%. The percentage of high school students who received proficient and proficient in reading/literature decreased to 52.5%. The percentage of high school students who get proficient and advanced in biology has increased from 39.7% to 41.4%.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
Cedar Cliff High School reaches 87 out of 100. Reflects at the level of reading, math and science achievement. In reading/literature - 79% are at the grade level. In Algebra 1, 62% shows on class-level skills. In Biology, 39.7% shows a class-level science understanding. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 2,181 public schools (less than 73 percent of Pennsylvania's public schools), achieved an academic score of 70 or higher. The 11th graders of Pennsylvania no longer take PSSA. Instead, starting in 2012, they take the Keystone Exam at the end of the related course.
- AYP History
In 2012, Cedar Cliff High School declined to apply for the Corrective Action I AYP status due to low student achievement and low passing rates. In 2011, Cedar Cliff High School declined to AYP Status <2> School Improvement . In 2010, the school was in Make Progress: In School Improvement in student achievement. In 2009, the school was in School Improvement due to very low student achievement.
- Cedar Cliff High School Graduation Rate:
In 2014, the district's graduation rate was 88%.
- 2013 - 83%
- 2012 - 87%
- 2011 - 89%
- 2010 - 90%
- 2009 - 89%
- 2008 - 92%, Country - 65%
- PSSA Results
- Class 11 Reading:
- 2012 - 70% at the class level, (15% below the base). Country - 67% of grade 11 students are at the grade level.
- 2011 - 67% (17% below the base). Country - 69.1%
- 2010 - 74%, Country - 67%
- 2009 - 69%, Country - 65%
- 2008 - 64%, Country - 65%
- 2007 - 72%, Country - 65%
- Class 11 Mathematics:
- 2012 - 62% at the class level (25% below the base). In Pennsylvania, 59% of grade 11 students are in the classroom.
- 2011 - 58%, (23% below the base). State - 60.3%
- 2010 - 63%, Country - 59%
- 2009 - 56%, Country - 56%
- 2008 - 58%, Country - 56%
- 2007 - 60%, Country - 53%
- Science 11:
- 2012 - 47% at the class level (13% below the base). State - 42% of grade 11 students are in the classroom level.
- 2011 - 33% (20% below the base). State - 40%
- 2010 - 43%, Countries - 39%
- 2009 - 46%, Country - 40%
- 2008 - 34%, Countries - 39%
SAT score
In 2012, 199 students of Cedar Cliff High School take the SAT exam. The Verbal School Average Score is 510. The average Mathematics score is 505. The Writing Average score is 481. The Verbal SAT test results across the state are: Verbal 491, Math 501, Writing 480. In the US, 1.65 million students take the test achieving scores: Verbal 496, Math 514, Writing 488.
In 2011, 198 students of Cedar Cliff High School took the SAT exam. The average Verbal school score is 512. The average Mathematics score is 510. The average rating of Write is 498. Pennsylvania ranks 40th among states with SAT scores: Verbal - 493, Maths - 501, Writing - 479. In the United States 1.65 million students take the exam in 2011. They average 497 (out of 800) verbally, 514 maths and 489 in writing.
Tanah Merah High School
Red Land Senior High School is located at 560 Fishing Creek Road, Lewisberry. In 2014, enrollment is reported as 1,135 students in grades 9 through 12, with 19.9% ​​of students eligible for free lunch due to family poverty. In addition, 19% of students receive special education services, while 4% of students are identified as gifted. The school employs 77 teachers. As per the PA Department of Education, 3% of teachers are rated "Unqualified High" under the Federal No Legal Left.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, schools reported enrollment of 1,275 students in grades 9 through 12, with 186 students eligible for free lunch or low federal prices. The school employs 87 teachers, resulting in a 15-student teacher-ratio. 1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 10 courses are taught by teachers who are rated "Unqualified High" under the Act No Child Behind.
- 2014 School Profile Profile
Tanah Merah High School reaches 87.4 out of 100. Reflects at the level of reading, math and the achievement of science. In reading/literature - 80% are at the grade level. In Algebra 1, 68.7% shows on the class level skills. In Biology, only 63% indicate a grade-level science understanding at the end of the course.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
High School High School reaches 88.7 out of 100. Reflects on the level of reading, mathematics and science achievement. In reading/literature - 85% are in the classroom level. In Algebra 1, 63% show on grade level skills. In Biology, only 44% show the understanding of class-level science.
- AYP History
In 2012, the Red School High School refused further for AYP Status Fix under No Child Left Behind. In 2011, the Red School High School was in the Make Progress: in School Enhancement II . In 2010, the school refused to status School Improvement II due to poor student achievement. In 2009, the Red School High School was in Making Progress: In School Improvement I due to the chronic and poor student achievement. In 2008, the Red School High School was in School Improvement status due to very low student achievement.
- Graduated Senior High School Graduates:
- 2014 - 92.9%
- 2012 - 90%
- 2011 - 90%
- 2010 - 94%
- 2009 - 95%
- 2008 - 90%
- PSSA Results
- Science 11:
- 2012 - 44% at the class level (12% below the base). State - 42% of grade 11 students are in the classroom level.
- 2011 - 44%, (12% below the base). State - 40%
- 2010 - 39%, Countries - 39%
- 2009 - 41%, Countries - 40%
- 2008 - 32%, Countries - 39%
SAT score
In 2013, School District students take the SAT exam. The Verbal District Average Score is. The average Mathematics score is. The average score of the writing. The College Board reports that state scores are: 494 in reading, 504 in mathematics and 482 in writing. National SAT results are the same as in 2012.
In 2012, 198 Tanah Merah high school students take the SAT exam. The Verbal School Average Score is 509. The average Mathematics score is 515. The average Write value is 492. The Verbal SAT test results across the state are: Verbal 491, Mathematics 501, Writing 480. In the US, 1.65 million students take the test achieving the score: Verbal 496, Math 514, Writing 488. According to the College Board, the maximum score on each section is 800, and 360 students across the country get a perfect 2,400 score.
From January to June 2011, 186 Tanah Merah high school students took the SAT exam. The average Verbal school score is 503. The average Mathematics score is 501. The average write is 477. Pennsylvania ranks 40th among states with a SAT score: Verbal - 493, Math - 501, Writing - 479. On United States, 1.65 million students took the exam in 2011. They averaged 497 (out of 800) verbally, 514 maths and 489 in writing.
College remediation
According to the Pennsylvania Education Department study released in January 2009, 37% of West Shore School District graduates require improvements in mathematics and/or reading before they are ready to take college level courses in the Pennsylvania State University System or community college. Less than 66% of Pennsylvania's high school graduates, enrolled in a four-year college in Pennsylvania, will earn a bachelor's degree in six years. Among high school graduates of Pennsylvania pursuing an associate degree, only one out of three graduates in three years. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, one of three recent high school graduates studying at public universities and public universities in Pennsylvania needs at least one remedial course in mathematics, reading or English.
Passing requirements
The West Shore School Board has determined that students must earn 22 credits to graduate, including: English 4 credits, IPS 3 credits, Science 3 Credits, Mathematics 3 Credits, Health/physical education 2 credits and elective 7.25 credits.
By law, all Pennsylvania high school students must complete the project as part of their eligibility to graduate from high school. The type of project, its accuracy, and its expectations are determined by each school district. Effective with the graduation class of 2017, the Pennsylvania State Education Council abolished the state's mandate that students complete projects culminating in the goal of graduation.
With the Pennsylvania School Board rules, starting with the 2017 class, public school students must demonstrate successful completion of middle-level course work in Algebra I, Biology, and English Literature by passing the Keystone Exam. The exam is given at the end of the course. The Keystone exam replaces the PSSA for grade 11. Students have several opportunities to pass the exam, with those who can not do the project to graduate. For the 2019 class, Composition exam will be added. For the 2020 class, passing citizenship and governmental examinations will be added to the graduation requirements. In 2011, the field of Pennsylvania high school students tested the Algebra 1, Biology and English Lit exams. The statewide outcomes are: Algebra 1 38% at grade level, 35% Biology on grade level and English Lit - 49% at the grade level. Reports of individual students, schools or districts are not published, although reported to district officials by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Students who are identified as having special needs and qualifications for the Individual Education Program (IEP) may graduate by meeting their IEP requirements.
Double signup
The West Shore School District offers a double enrollment program. This country-funded program enables high school students to take courses, at local higher education institutions, to earn college credits. Students remain enrolled in their secondary school. Courses are calculated for high school graduation requirements and to earn a bachelor's degree. The students continue to have full access to activities in their high school. College loans are offered at very cheap prices. The state offers small grants to assist students in fees for tuition, fees and books. Under the Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Agreement, many Pennsylvania colleges and universities receive this credit for students who move to their institution. The Pennsylvania College Credit Transfer System reported in 2009, that the students saved nearly $ 35.4 million with the amount of credits that they transferred counted to levels under the new system. For the 2009-10 funding year, the school district received a state grant of $ 6,852 for the program. In 2010, Gov. Edward Rendell abolished grants to students, from the Commonwealth, due to the state budget crisis.
Allen Middle School
Allen Middle School is located at 4225 Gettysburg Road, Camp Hill. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, schools reported enrollment of 440 students in grades 6 to 8, with 101 students eligible for free lunch or low federal prices. Allen Middle School is not a federal designated school I. The school employs 40 teachers, resulting in a student-teacher ratio of 11: 1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 18 teachers were rated "Unqualified High" under No Child Left Behind. On March 13, 2018, Allen Middle School has 52 staff members.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
Allen Middle School reaches 70.9 out of 100. Reflects the level of reading, writing, math and the achievement of science. In reading, only 75% of students are at the grade level. In Mathematics, 76.87% of the students showed on class-level skills. In Science, only 64% of 8th grade students are demonstrated on classroom level comprehension. In writing, 70% of grade 8 students are at the grade level. In 2013 schools reported a 95% attendance rate.
- AYP History
In 2012, Allen Middle School is on the rise to achieve an Annual Accurate Status (AYP) status. In 2011, Allen Middle School was in a Warning status because of student achievement left behind in mathematics. In 2010, Allen Middle School achieved AYP status in 2010. In 2011 and 2010, attendance rate was 94%. In 2008-09 and 2009-10 attendance rates, at Allen Middle School, reported as 95%.
- Reading Level 8:
- 2012 - 83% at class level, 57% advanced. In Pennsylvania, 79% of grade 8 students are at the grade level.
- 2011 - 81%, 61% proficient. Country - 81.8%
- 2010 - 82% (10% below baseline). Country - 81%
- 2009 - 82%, Country - 80.9%
- 2008 - 69%, Country - 78%
Class 8 Mathematics:
- 2012 - 82% at the class level (8% below the base). Country - 76%
- 2011 - 77% (13% below the base). Country - 76.9%
- 2010 - 75% (12% below the base). Country - 75%
- 2009 - 70%, Country - 71%
- 2008 - 66%, Country - 70%
Grade 8:
- 2012 - 60% at the class level (14% below the base). State - 59% of grade 8 students are in the classroom level.
- 2011 - 67%, (18% below the base). Country - 58.3%
- 2010 - 61%, Country - 59%
- 2009 - 61%, Country - 55%
- 2008 - 51%, Country - 52%
Crossroads Middle School
Crossroads Middle School is located at 535 Fishing Creek Road, Lewisberry. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, schools reported enrollment of 637 students in grades 6 to 8, with 124 students eligible for free lunch or low federal prices. The school employs 50 teachers, resulting in a 13: 1 student-teacher ratio. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 28 teachers were rated "Unqualified High" under the Federal No Child Left Behind Act. On March 13, 2018, Crossroads High School has 58 staff members.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
The Crossroads Middle School report is kept secret from the public on the request of the District of September 2013.
- AYP History
In 2012, Crossroads Middle School rejected the School Enhancement I status due to student achievement left behind. In 2011, Crossroads Secondary School was in Warning status due to student achievement left behind. In 2010, the school achieved AYP status. In 2011, attendance rate increased to 95%. In 2008-09 and 2009-10, attendance rates, at Crossroads Middle School, were reported as 94%.
- PSSA Results:
- Science 8th:
- 2012 - 65% at the grade level (19% below base). Country - 59% of 8th grade students are at the grade level.
- 2011 - 66%, (16% below base). Country - 58.3%
- 2010 - 65%, (19% below base). State - 57%
- 2009 - 71%, (% below base). State - 55%
- 2008 - 61%, Country - 52%
New Cumberland Secondary School
New Cumberland High School is located at 331 8th Street, New Cumberland. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, schools reported enrollment of 351 students in grades 6 to 8, with 86 students eligible for free lunch or low federal prices. The school employs 40 teachers, resulting in a teacher-teacher ratio of 8: 1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 12 teachers were rated "Unqualified High" under No Child Left Behind. On March 13, 2018, New Cumberland High School has 57 staff members.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
The new Cumberland Middle School report is detained from the public at the request of the District.
- AYP History
In 2012, New Cumberland High School refuses to improve School status due to continuing problems with students' grades in math and reading. The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires administrators to develop school improvement plans to address deficiencies. In addition, under the NCLB they are mandated to tell parents that they can transfer their children to a better school in the District. In 2011, schools were in Warning status because of student achievement left behind in math and reading. While in 2010 the school achieved the status AYP . The attendance rate was 94% in 2010-11. In 2008-09 and 2009-10 attendance rates at New Cumberland Secondary Schools were reported 94% and 93% respectively.
- Reading Level 8:
- 2012 - 80% at the grade level (6% below baseline). In Pennsylvania, 79% of grade 8 students are at the grade level.
- 2011 - 83% (12% below base). Country - 81.8%
- 2010 - 85%, Country - 81%
- 2009 - 82%, Country - 80.9%
- 2008 - 78%, Country - 78%
- Mathematics Grade 8:
- 2012 - 78% at the grade level (10% below baseline). Country - 76%
- 2011 - 64% (17% below base). Country - 76.9%
- 2010 - 75%, Country - 75%
- 2009 - 75%, Country - 71%
- 2008 - 67%, Country - 70%
- Science Class 8:
- 2012 - 62% at class level (19% below base). Country - 59% of 8th grade students are at the grade level.
- 2011 - 53% (29% below base). Country - 58.3%
- 2010 - 54%, Country - 57%
- 2009 - 60%, Country - 55%
- 2008 - 54%, Country - 52%
Fairview Elementary School
The Fairview Elementary School is located at 480 Lewisberry Road, New Cumberland. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, schools reported enrollment of 224 students in grades 3 to 5, with 60 students eligible for free lunch or low federal prices. Fairview is a federal designated Title I school. The school employs 18 teachers, resulting in a student-teacher ratio of 12: 1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, all teachers are rated "Highly Qualified" under No Child Left Behind. The 2013 attendance rate is reported as 95%. On March 13, 2018, Fairview Primary School has 26 staff members.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
Fairview Elementary School achieved a score of 80.8 out of 100. This score reflects the class level: reading, science, writing and mathematical achievement. In 2012-13, only 79% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, 73% of students read at the grade level. In math, 83% are at grade level (grade 3-5). In grade 4 science, 93% of pupils show a class level understanding. In writing only 61% of 5th graders are shown on class-level skills.
- AYP History
In 2012, Fairview Elementary Schools achieve AYP status through a safe harbor. In 2011, Fairview Elementary School rejected the Warning status because of student achievement left behind in reading and math. In 2010, Fairview Elementary School achieved AYP status. In 2012, 78% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In math, 79% of students in grades 3 to 5 are at grade level with 53% advanced score. In grade 3, 82% were at the grade level in mathematics. In grade 4 science, 82% of students are at grade level with 44% advanced.
In 2011, 75% of Fairview Primary School students in grades 3 through 5 read at the grade level. In math, 75% of students, in grades 3 to 5, are at the grade level with a 51% advanced score. In grade 3 only 67% were at the grade level in mathematics. In grade 4 science, 87% of students are at grade level with 55% advanced.
Fishing Creek Elementary School
Fishing Creek Elementary School is located at 510 Fishing Creek Road, Lewisberry. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, schools reported enrollment of 517 students in the kindergarten class up to grade 5, with 85 students eligible for free lunch or low federal prices. Fishing Creek Elementary School is a federal designated Title I school. The school employs 36 teachers, resulting in a 14-student teacher-ratio. 1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, all teachers are rated "Highly Qualified" under No Child Left Behind. The school provides kindergarten throughout the day. The 2013 attendance rate is 96%. On March 13, 2018, Creek Creek Primary School has 39 staff members.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
Fishing Creek Elementary School achieved a score of 77.2 out of 100. This score reflects the class level: reading, science, writing, and mathematical achievement. In 2012-13, only 76% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, 85% of students read at the classroom level. In math, 82% are at grade level (grade 3-5). In grade 4 science, 90% of pupils show a class level understanding. In writing, only 72% of 5th graders demonstrate class-level skills.
- AYP History
In 2011 and 2010, Fishing Creek Elementary School achieved AYP status. In 2011, 80% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In mathematics, 87% of students in grades 3 to 5 are at grade level with a 65% advanced score. In grade 4 science, 90% of pupils are at grade level with 54% advanced.
Higher Elementary School
Highland Elementary School is located at 1325 Carlisle Road, Camp Hill. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, schools reported enrollment of 430 students in the kindergarten class up to 5th rank, with 101 students eligible for free lunch or low federal prices. Highland Elementary is a federal designated Title I school. The school employs 27 teachers, resulting in a 15-student teacher-ratio. 1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 100% of teachers are rated "Highly Qualified" under No Child Left Behind. Highland Elementary provides kindergarten throughout the day. The attendance rate in 2013 is 96%.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
Highland Elementary School achieved a score of 81.5 out of 100. This score reflects the class level: reading, science, writing and mathematical achievement. In 2012-13, only 71.8% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, 82% of students read at the classroom level. In math, 79% are at grade level (grade 3-5). In grade 4 science, only 78% of students demonstrate class-level understanding. In writing 81% of 5th graders were demonstrated on class-level skills.
- AYP History
In 2010 and 2011, Highland Elementary School achieved AYP status. In 2011, only 77% of students read at grade level in grades 3 to 5. In math, 80% of students in grades 3 to 5 were in grade and 46% got higher grades. In grade 4 science, 97% of students are at grade level with a score of 54% advanced.
Hillside Elementary School
Hillside Elementary School is located at 516 7th Street, New Cumberland. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, schools reported enrollment of 401 students in a kindergarten class until the fifth year, with 125 students eligible for a free lunch or minus federal prices due to family poverty. The school employs 27 teachers, resulting in a 15-student teacher-ratio. 1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 100% of teachers are rated "Highly Qualified" under the Federal No Child Left Behind Act. Hillside Elementary School provides a kindergarten throughout the day. In 2013, Hillside Elementary School reported a 96% attendance rate.
- 2013 School performance profile
Hillside Elementary School achieved a score of 65.6 out of 100. This score reflects the grade level: reading, science, writing and mathematical achievement. In 2012-13, only 63% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, only 77% of students are reading at the grade level. In math, 64% are at the grade level (grade 3-5). In grade 4 science, only 73.68% of pupils are demonstrated in class-level comprehension. In writing only 63% of 5th graders are shown on class-level skills.
- AYP History
In 2012, Hillside Elementary School earned AYP status through an exception despite having lost all measured academic metrics. In 2010 and 2011, Hillside Elementary School also achieved AYP status.
In 2012, only 74% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, 81% of students read at the classroom level. In mathematics, only 75% of students in grades 3 to 5 are shown in class-level skills, with 44% advanced scores. In grade 4 science, only 79% of students are at the grade level.
In 2011, only 76% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In math, 77% of students in grades 3 to 5 were in grade and 40% had advanced grades. In grade 4 science, 92% of students are at the grade level.
Newberry Elementary School
The Newberry Elementary School is located at 2055 Old Trail Road, Etters According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, the school reported enrollment of 395 students in the kindergarten class up to 5th rank, with 132 students eligible for federal or free lunch discount price due to family poverty. Newberry Elementary School is a federal designated Title I school. The school employs 29 teachers, resulting in a 13-student teacher ratio: 1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 2 teachers were rated "Unqualified High" under No Child Left Behind. In 2010 and 2011, the Newberry Elementary School presented K-5th grades. Newberry Elementary School provides kindergarten throughout the day. By 2013, the attendance rate is 95% at Newberry Elementary School.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
Newberry Elementary School achieved a score of 65.2 out of 100. This score reflects the class level: reading, science, writing, and mathematical achievement. In 2012-13, only 60% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, 76% of students read at the classroom level. In mathematics, 70.99% are at grade level (grade 3-5). In grade 4 science, only 65% ​​of students demonstrate class-level understanding. In writing, only 48% of 5th graders demonstrate class-level skills.
- AYP History
In 2012, Newberry Elementary School refuses to Warning AYP Status. In 2010 and 2011, Newberry Elementary School achieved AYP status.
In 2012, only 63% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, only 73% of students showed on class-level skills. In mathematics, 78% of students in grades 3 to 5 are at the grade level and 37% are considered advanced. In grade 4 science, 93% of students are at the grade level.
In 2011, only 62% of Newberry Primary School students were reading at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In math, 79% of students in grades 3 to 6 were in grade and 41% had advanced grades. In grade 4 science, 86% of students are at the grade level, with 30% reaching advanced.
Red Mill Elementary School
Red Mill Elementary School is located at 700 Red Mill Road, Etters. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, schools reported enrollment of 571 students in the kindergarten class up to the 5th rank, with 141 students eligible for free lunch or low federal prices. Red Mill Elementary School is a federal designated Title I school. The school employs 41 teachers, resulting in a student-teacher ratio of 14: 1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 100% of teachers are rated "Highly Qualified" under No Child Left Behind. The school provides kindergarten throughout the day. The attendance rate is 95.75% in 2013.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
Red Mill Elementary School achieved a score of 75.2 out of 100. This score reflects the class level: reading, science, writing, and mathematical achievement. In 2012-13, 78% of students read at grade level, in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, 83% of students read at the classroom level. In mathematics, 87% are at grade level (grade 3-5). In grade 4 science, 95.7% of pupils show a class level understanding. In writing, only 79% of 5th graders showed class level skills.
- AYP History
In 2010 to 2012, Red Mill Elementary School achieved AYP status.
In 2012, 87% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, 93% of students are at the grade level in reading. In math, 89% of students in grades 3 to 5 are at the grade level and 65% score higher. In grade 4 science, 92% of students are at the grade level.
In 2011, 86% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In mathematics, 90% of students in grades 3 to 6 are in grade and 59% are considered advanced. In grade 4 science, 88% of students are in grade level, with 55% advanced score.
Rossmoyne Elementary School
Rossmoyne Elementary School is located at 1225 Rossmoyne Road, Mechanicsburg. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, schools reported enrollment of 192 students in grades 3 to 5, with 42 students eligible for a free lunch or minus federal prices due to family poverty. Rossmoyne Primary School is a federally-designated Title I. The school employs 13 teachers, resulting in a 15-student teacher-ratio. 1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 100% of teachers are rated "Highly Qualified" under No Child Left Behind. The 2013 attendance rate is 96%.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
Rossmoyne Elementary School achieved a score of 77.5 from 100. This score reflects the class level: reading, science, writing, and mathematical achievement. In 2012-13, only 69% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, 75% of students read at the classroom level. In math, 75% are at grade level (grade 3-5). In grade 4 science, only 96% of students demonstrate class-level understanding. In writing only 64% of 5th graders are shown on class-level skills.
- AYP History
In 2012, Rossmoyne Elementary School achieved AYP status despite losing all measured reading metrics. In 2010 and 2011, Rossmoyne Elementary School achieved AYP status.
In 2012, 81% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In third grade, 89% of students read at the class level. In mathematics, 83% of students in grades 3 to 5 are at the grade level and 43% have advanced grades. In grade 4 science, 81% of students are at the grade level.
In 2011, only 78% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In math, 84% of students in grades 3 to 6 were in grade and 39% got higher grades. In grade 4 science, 95% of students are at the grade level.
Washington Heights Elementary School
Washington Heights Elementary School is located at 531 Walnut Street, Lemoyne. The school reported enrollment of 365 students in the kindergarten class up to the fifth rank, with 143 students eligible for a free lunch or minus the federal price due to family poverty. Washington Heights Elementary School is a federal designated Title I school. The school employs 27 teachers, resulting in a 13: 1 student-teacher ratio. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, one teacher is rated "Unqualified High" under No Child Left Behind. Washington Heights Elementary School provides a kindergarten throughout the day. The attendance rate of 95% is 2013.
- 2013 School Performance Profile
Washington Heights Elementary School achieved a score of 62.8 out of 100. This score reflects the class level: reading, science, writing, and mathematical achievement. In 2012-13, only 67% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, 82% of students read at the classroom level. In math, 70% are at grade level (grade 3-5). In grade 4 science, only 76.92% of pupils are demonstrated in class-level comprehension. In writing only 48% of 5th graders are shown on class-level skills.
- AYP History
In 2012, Washington Heights Elementary School achieved AYP status, despite the loss of all measurements and mathematical metrics measured. In 2010 and 2011, Washington Heights Elementary School achieved AYP status.
In 2012, only 69% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In mathematics, 74% of students in grades 3 to 5 are in grade and 37% are considered advanced. In grade 4 science, 75% of students are at the grade level.
In 2011, only 73% of students read at grade level in grades 3 through 5. In grade 3, 81% of students read at the classroom level. In mathematics, 72% of students in grades 3 to 5 are at grade level and 36% are considered advanced. In grade 4 science, 88% of students are at the grade level.
Special education
In December 2010, the district government reported that 1,387 students or 17.5% of district students received Special Education services. Among the students identified, 46% had a specific learning disability. In 2009, the administration reported that 1,391 students or 18.6% of district students received Special Education services. In May 2010, the district entered a settlement with some parents for the services the district provided to their child.
Districts engage in identification procedures to ensure that eligible students receive an appropriate education program consisting of special education and related services, individually to meet student needs. With no cost to parents, this service is provided in accordance with state and federal law; and calculated fairly to generate significant educational and student progress. To identify students who may be eligible for special education, various screening activities are conducted on an ongoing basis. These screening activities include: review of group-based data (cumulative notes, registration notes, health records, report cards, ability test scores and achievements); hearing, sight, motor, and speech/language abilities; and reviewed by the Instructional Support Team or the Student Assistance Team. When screening results indicate that the student may be eligible, the District seeks parental consent to conduct a multidisciplinary evaluation. Parents who suspect their child is eligible may verbally request a multidisciplinary evaluation of District professional employees or contact the Special Education Controller.
In 2010, the state of Pennsylvania provided $ 1,026,815,000 for special education services. The funds are distributed to districts based on state policies that estimate that 16% of district students receive special education services. This funding is in addition to basic state education per pupil funding, as well as, all other state and federal funding. Pennsylvania Special Education funding system assumes that 16% of district students receive special education services. It also assumes that each student's needs increase at the same cost. The state requires each district to have a three-year special education plan to meet the unique needs of its education students in particular. Student overidentification, in order to increase state funding, has become a problem in the Commonwealth. Some districts have more than 20% of students who receive special education services while others have 10% support through special education.
The West Shore School District received $ 3,626,052 of supplements for special education services in 2010. For the school years 2011-12 and 2012-13, all Pennsylvania public school districts receive the same level of funding for the special education they received in 2010-11. This level of funding is provided regardless of the change in the number of students requiring special education services and regardless of the level of service required by the students concerned.
Gifted education
The District Administration reported that 240 or 3.04% of its students were identified as gifted in 2009. By law, districts must provide mentally gifted programs at all grade levels. The main emphasis is on the enrichment and acceleration of the regular education curriculum through encouragement in models with talented instructors in the classroom with regular instructors. This approach allows specific teaching strategies such as tiered assignments, curriculum compaction, flexible groupings, learning stations, independent projects and independent contracts. Students who are identified as gifted students attending Middle School have access to awards and advanced placement courses, and double enrollment with local universities. The referral process for a gifted evaluation can be initiated by a teacher or parent by contacting the student's principal and requesting an evaluation. All requests must be made in writing. In order to qualify for a mentally gifted program in Pennsylvania, a student must have at least 130 cognitive abilities measured on a standard-ability test by a certified school psychologist. Other factors that indicate the gift will also be considered for eligibility.
Bullying policy
The West Shore School District Administration reported there were 3 bullying incidents in the district in 2009.
The West Shore School Board has provided district antibody online policies. All Pennsylvania schools are required to have an anti-bullying policy incorporated into their Student Code of Conduct. The policy should identify disciplinary action for bullying and appoint school staff to receive complaints about oppression. The policy should be available on the school website and posted in each class. All Pennsylvania public schools should provide copies of the anti-bullying policy to the Office for Safe Schools each year, and should review their policies every three years. In addition, districts should conduct an annual review of the policy with students. The Center for Schools and Communities works in partnership with the Pennsylvania Commission for Crime & amp; Delinquency and Education Department of Pennsylvania to help schools and communities as they research, select and implement bullying prevention programs and initiatives.
Education standards related to student safety and antiharassment programs are described in 10.3. Prevention of Safety and Injury in Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Health, Safety and Physical Education.
Budget Pennsylvania public school district and issue funds according to procedures mandated by the Pennsylvania General Assembly and Education Department (PDE). The annual operational budget is prepared by the administrative officials of the school district. A uniform form is completed by PDE and submitted to the school board of directors for approval before the start of each fiscal year on July 1st.
Under the Pennsylvania's Taxpayer Relief Act, Act 1 of the 2006 Special Session, all grade A, second-class, third and fourth-grade districts should adopt an initial budget proposal. The proposal should include the estimated income and expenditure and the proposed tax rate. This proposed budget should be considered by the Board no later than 90 days before the date of the election immediately before the fiscal year. Initial budget proposals should also be printed and available for public inspection at least 20 days prior to adoption. The board of directors of the school may hold a public hearing on the budget, but is not required to do so. The Council shall provide at least 10 days' public notice of its intention to adopt a final budget pursuant to Law 1 of 2006.
The West Shore School District reportedly hired 667 teachers in 2012 with an average teacher salary of $ 61,020 and a high of $ 139,256. In 2011, the average teacher salary in the West Shore School District was $ 58,725 a year, while the teacher's benefit fee was $ 14,179 per employee, with an average annual teacher compensation of $ 70,905. According to a study conducted at the American Enterprise Institute, in 2011, the total compensation of public school teachers was about 50 percent higher than they might receive in the private sector. The study found that the most benefits received by teachers were not taken into account in many studies on compensation, including: pensions, retirement healthcare benefits and job security.
In 2009, the West Shore School District employed more than 850 teachers with an initial salary of $ 46,522 for 191 contract days. The average teacher salary is $ 57,855, while the highest is $ 135,200. School days are limited by union contracts to 7.5 hours. In addition, West Shore School District teachers receive defined benefit pensions, health insurance, mourning leave, professional development reimbursements, 2 personal days paid, 10 days sickness and other benefits. Teachers are paid extra when they are asked to work outside of regular school hours. The Council provides substantial pension incentives. The West Shore School Board agreed to provide unions with 20 days paid employees to conduct union business off campus. In 2010, the council approved a four-year contract with an average annual increase of 3.056 percent over the next four years. According to State Rep. Glen Grell, a guardian of the Pennsylvania Employees' School Employee Pension System, a 40-year-old educator can retire on a pension equal to 100 percent of their final salary.
In 2007, the West Shore School District employs 550 teachers. The average teacher salary in the district is $ 49,741 for 180 working days. In 2007, Pennsylvania ranked in the top 10 states in average teacher salaries. When adjusted for the living cost of Pennsylvania ranked fourth in the country for teacher compensation.
Expenditure per pupil The cost of West Districts per pupil administration is $ 632.88 in 2008. The lowest administrative cost per student in Pennsylvania is $ 398 per student. Jemry Goodrich-Small was hired as a superintendent in June 2008 with a four-year contract with an initial salary of $ 125,000. The Pennsylvania School Board Association tracks salaries for Pennsylvania public school employees. It reported that in 2008 the average superintendent salary in Pennsylvania was $ 122,165. In 2007, the average salary of the District Administrator in the West Shore School District was $ 95,417 who was ranked seventh in York County. The average School Administrator salary in the Central York School District is $ 71,484 which is ranked almost final in York County. In 2011, the West Shore School District administrator agreed to freeze a one-year payment.
Administration reports that spending per pupil is $ 10,498, ranked 438 in commonwealth. In 2010 spending per pupil has increased to $ 11,467.03 Within the state, Pennsylvania's total income per pupil (including all sources) ranked 11th at $ 15.023 per student, in 2008-09. In 2007, the total expenditure per student per Pennsylvania was $ 12,759.
Reserves In 2008, the West Shore School District reported $ 9,179,637.00 in unspecified fund balances. The balance of the designated funds is reported as zero. In 2010, the West Shore School District Administration reported an increase to $ 14,937,949 in fund balances that were not specifically designed. in 2012, the Board reported $ 3,561,389 in reserves. The Pennsylvania school district reserve fund is divided into two categories - defined and not designed. Funds that are not designed are not committed to the planned project. Designated funds and other funds, such as capital reserves, are allocated to certain projects. School districts are required by state law to retain 5 percent of their annual expenditure in reserve funds that are not designed to maintain bond ratings. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, from 2003 to 2010, overall, the Pennsylvania school district collected nearly $ 3 billion in reserve funds. By 2013, the reserves held by the Pennsylvania public school district, overall, have risen to more than $ 3.8 billion.
Audit March 2013, Pennsylvania Public Auditor conducts District performance audit. The findings were reported to the West Shore Coast Council and the district administration.
Tuition Fee Students living in the West Shore School District presence area may choose to attend one of 157 public charter schools in Pennsylvania. A student living in a neighboring public school district or a foreign exchange student may seek admission to the West Shore School District. For these cases, the Pennsylvania Department of Education charges an annual tuition fee for each school district. This is the number of general school districts paying to charter schools for each student resident attending the charter and that is the number of non-residents' parent students having to pay to attend the District schools. Tuition for 2012 is Elementary School - $ 7,873, High School - $ 9,961.
The West Shore School District is funded by a combination of local income taxes earned 0.95%, local property taxes, 0.05% real estate transfer taxes, and per capita taxes, plus major funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and federal government. Grants provide an opportunity to supplement school funding without raising local taxes. At Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, retirement income and Social Security income are exempt from state personal income tax and local income taxes regardless of income level.
Funding of basic country education
For the 2013-14 school year , the West Shore School District received a 2.7% or $ 12,403,799 increase in Pennsylvania Basic Education Funding. This is $ 327,682 larger than the BEF country 2012-13 to the District. In addition, the West Shore School District received $ 323,342 in Blockability Accountability Grant funding to focus on academic achievement and level funding for specialized education services. Among the public school districts in York County, the Dover Area School District received the highest percentage increase in the BEF at 7.5%. The West Shore School District has the option to apply for some state and federal grants to increase revenue. The Commonwealth Budget raises Funding of Elementary Basic Education by $ 123 million to over $ 5.5 billion. Most of the 500 public school districts in Pennsylvania receive an increase in the Basic Education Fund in the range of 0.9% to 4%. Eight public school districts receive a very high funding increase of 10% to 16%. The highest increase in state funding was given to the Austin Area School District which received a 22.5% increase in Funding for Primary Education. The state funded PSERS (Pennsylvania employee school pension fund) with $ 1,017,000,000 and Social Security payments for school employees of $ 495 million.
For the 2012-13 school year , the West Shore School District received $ 12,076,117. The Governor's Executive Budget for 2012-2013 includes $ 9.34 billion for kindergartens to 12th-grade public education, including $ 5.4 billion in basic education funding, which represents an increase of $ 49 million over the 2011-12 budget. The state also provides $ 100 million for Block Accountability grants. The West Shore School District received $ 323,342 in Block Grant Accountability funding to focus on academic achievement. The state will also provide $ 544.4 million for School Employee Social Security and $ 856 million for School Employee Pension funds called PSERS. This amount is an increase of $ 21,823,000 (0.34%) during the 2011-2012 allocation for Basic Education Funding, School Employee Social Security, Student Transportation, Nonpublic, and Student Transportation Charter. Since taking office, Corbett's first two budgets have recovered more than $ 918 million to support public schools, compensating the $ 1 billion federal stimulus dollars lost at the end of the 2010-11 school year.
In 2011-12 , the West Shore School District received $ 12,076,117 in Funding for Elementary Education. In addition, the district will receive $ 323,342 in funding of the Accountability Provision Fund. The Pennsylvania state education budget set forth includes $ 5,354,629,000 for the allocation of the Basic Education Fund 2011-2012. This amount is an increase of $ 233,290,000 (4.6%) of the applicable State appropriations for 2010-2011. The highest increase in state funding of basic education was provided to Duquesne City School District, which received a 49% increase in state funding for 2011-12. The district suffered a reduction in funding due to the loss of federal stimulus funds that expired in 2011. In 2010, the District reported that 1,685 students received a free lunch or low price because of a federal poverty family meeting.
For the 2010-11 school year , the West Shore School District received a 5.03% increase in Funding for Basic State Education for a total of $ 13,223,180. One hundred fifty Pennsylvania school districts received a 2% base increase. The highest increase in Cumberland County was given to Camp Hill School District at 13.99%, while the highest increase in York County was awarded to the Hanover Public School District at 8.39%. Among Pennsylvania school districts, the highest increase in 2010-11 went to the Kennett Consolidated School District in Chester County which received a 23.65% increase in state funding. The non-hazardous state policy on funding basic state education continues where each district receives at least the same amount as receiving the previous school year, even when enrollment has dropped significantly. The increase amount of each accepted school district is set by Governor Edward Rendell and Education Secretary Gerald Zahorchak, as part of the state budget proposal given every February. This is the second year of Governor Rendell's policy to fund several districts at a much greater rate than the others.
In the 2009-2010 fiscal year , the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provided a 4.25% increase in Primary Education funding for a total of $ 12,589,705 to the West Shore School District. Eight school districts in York County received a more than 5% increase in Funding for Elementary Education in 2009-10. Three school districts in Cumberland County received an increase of less than 5% in 2009-10. The Central York School District received a 12.54% increase. In Pennsylvania, more than 15 school districts receiving Basic Education Funding increased by more than 10% in 2009. The Muhlenberg School District in Berks District received the highest increase with a 22.31% increase in funding. Amount of increase in each school district
Source of the article : Wikipedia