AT & amp; T U-verse , commonly called U-verse , is AT & amp; T, although this brand is now only used as a reference for IPTV services. Launched on June 26, 2006, U-verses include broadband Internet (now AT & T Internet or AT & T Fiber), IP phone (now AT & T Phone), and IPTV (U-verse TV) service in 21 states.
In September 2016, AT & amp; T announced that the "U-verse" brand will no longer apply to broadband and phone services, renaming them "AT & amp; T Internet" and "AT & T Telephone", respectively.
Video AT&T U-verse
SBC announced its plans for a fiber optic network and the deployment of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) in 2004 and launched the name "U-verse" (formerly "Project Lightspeed") for network service series in 2005. Beta testing began in San Antonio in 2005 and AT & amp; T U-verse was commercially launched June 26, 2006, in San Antonio. A few months later on November 30, 2006, the service was launched in Houston. In December 2006, the product was launched in Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, Hartford, Indianapolis, and other surrounding cities. In February 2007, U-verses were launched in Milwaukee. One month later the service started in Dallas and Kansas City. In May 2007, U-verses were launched in Detroit, Los Angeles, and beyond. The launch continued in Cleveland, Akron, and San Diego in June 2007. The opening of Oklahoma City and Sacramento took place in August 2007. In November 2007, the service began in Austin. In December 2007, U-verse was launched in Orlando and St. Louis. The controlled launch also began in Atlanta that month marking the first launch in the Southeastern United States. On December 22, 2008, this product made its debut in Birmingham. On January 25, 2010, AT & amp; T announced that U-verses are available for more than 2.8 million households.
AT & amp; T Phone (formerly known as AT & amp; T U-verse Voice) was added on January 22, 2008, and was first available in Detroit. In 2008, U-vers availability approached 8 million households and more than 225,000 subscribers were registered, with new installations reaching 12,000 per week. In 2009, 1 million Telephone subscribers and 2.1 million U-verse TV subscribers were registered.
By the end of 2011, U-verses are available for over 30 million live units in 22 states and U-verse TV has 3.8 million subscribers. In mid-2012, AT & amp; T has 4.1 million U-Verse TV subscribers, 2.6 million Telephone subscribers, and 6.5 million Internet subscribers.
In the third quarter of 2012, AT & amp; T has 4.3 million TV subscribers, 2.7 million Telephone subscribers and 7.1 million Internet. This represents 7% quarter-on-quarter growth. The actual number of subscribers is lower, as most subscribers subscribe to bundles (such as TV and Phone) and are therefore counted in both categories.
At an analyst meeting in August 2015, after the acquisition of AT & T satellites against the DirecTV satellite provider, AT & amp; T announced plans for a new "home entertainment gateway" platform that will unify DirecTV and U-verse around common platforms based on DirecTV hardware with "very thin hardware profiles". CEO of AT & amp; T Entertainment and Internet Services John Stankey explains that the new platform will offer "single truck mount for multiple products, local live streaming, improved content portability, over-the-top integration for mobile broadband, and user interface reengineering."
In February 2016, Bloomberg reported that AT & T is in the process of discontinuing U-verse IPTV services by encouraging new subscribers to purchase DirecTV satellite services, and by ending the production of new devices. top box for service. An AT & amp; T denied that U-verse was being closed and explained that the company was "leading a video marketing approach with DirecTV" to "realize the many benefits" of purchasing, but would still recommend U-vers TV if it better suits the customer's needs. AT & amp; T CFO John Stephens previously also stated that the larger DirecTV customer base as a national service provides a higher level leverage service in train deal negotiations, resulting in lower content costs.
On March 29, 2016, AT & T announced that it will increase data limits on its Internet service on May 23, 2016.
The integration of AT & T and DirecTV will begin in the fourth quarter of 2016.
On May 16, 2016, AT & T announced that it will acquire Quickplay Media, a cloud-based platform that supports over-the-top video services.
On September 19, 2016, AT & amp; T announced that the "U-verse" brand would no longer apply to broadband and phone services, renaming them to "AT & amp; T Internet" and "AT & T Telephone", respectively.
On October 4, 2016, it was reported that AT & amp; T has adopted "AT & amp; T Fiber" as a brand new name for fiber-based Internet services, under the brand "AT & amp; T Internet" which continues to be used for its DSL. internet service.
On April 25, 2017, it was reported that AT & T drops more than 230,000 U-verse subscribers.
On March 13, 2018, it was reported that AT & amp; T has filed a trademark for "AT & amp; T TV" with Patent & amp; US. The Trademark Office, likely a signal that the telecommunications company will eventually remove its current brand name DirecTV and U-verse.
Maps AT&T U-verse
AT & amp; T provides most U-verse services through fiber-to-the-node (FTTN) or fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) networks. In a more general FTTN deployment, fiber optic connections carry all data (internet, IPTV, and voice over IP) between service providers and distribution nodes. The rest of the run from the node to the network interface device at the customer's home uses a copper-wire current loop that is traditionally part of the PSTN (public switched telephone network). In the recently built housing development, AT & amp; T uses FTTP deployment - they run the fiber optic cable from their DSLAM to the optical network terminal at the customer's home.
In the area where AT & amp; T deploy U-verse via FTTN, they use high-speed digital subscriber lines with ADSL2 or VDSL technology. Service offerings depend on the distance of the customer to the port available at the distribution node, or headquarters. To be eligible for U-verse TV service (available via VDSL2 only), the subscriber must be less than 3500 feet (1000 meters) from VRAD, VRAD must contain the available ports, and the copper loop must be qualified. Where a bonding partner is available, the maximum service distance can extend up to 5500 feet (1,600 meters).
In the so-called "periphery" area, AT & T provides HIGH Internet Speed ​​via IP-DSLAM ADSL2, which does not require pair bonding or VRAD and operates at slower bitrates than coupled-coupled VDSL2. In practice, VRAD is not installed in many older urban environments because AT & amp; T is preparing to leave the fixed line broadband market.
AT & amp; T gives U-verse TV via IPTV from headend to consumer recipient, required for every TV. Transmission uses H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) digital encoding, compared to the existing use of the MPEG-2 codec and the discontinued analog cable TV system. The receiver box does not have an RF tuner, but it is an IP multicast client that requests the desired channel or "stream". U-Verse TV supports up to four/six active streams at once, depending on the level of service. The system uses individual unicasts for video on demand, central transfer time, start-over services and other programs.
U-verse TV Packages
AT & amp; T grouping channels generally into progressive packets (U-family, U200, U300, and U450); each adding a channel to the previous package, with rare exceptions. All customers receive at least the equivalent of the U-family package, which also includes 65 out of 75 channels of Stingray Music. Many U-family channels are also available on the historical U-basic package. The U400 package is historically identical to the U450 package, except that the U450 automatically includes the HD Service pack.
Custom channels are grouped into a la carte packages, which can be combined with common packages: Sports Packages; ESPN College Extra; Fox Soccer Plus HD; NBA League Pass; HD Service; HD Premium Tier; Paquete Espaà ± a ol; and Adults. Paquete Espaà ± à ± ol can be combined with a higher level package and then called U200 Latino, U300 Latino, or U450 Latino. In addition, channels grouped as International are available a la carte in language groups or singularly, and a number of premium movie packages are available for premium or higher-end customers. High definition TV technology is required to access HD channels.
AT & amp; T Internet (formerly AT & amp; T U-verse High Speed ​​Internet) provides Internet access to a connected computer in place via an Ethernet or Wi-Fi cable from a residential gateway or DSL modem included.
AT & amp; T Fiber provides fiber-to-home services (FTTH) in selected markets.
AT & T announced the 18 Internet service (later called "Max 18") in November 2008, and Internet 24 (later called "Max Turbo") was announced in December 2009. Basic, Express, Pro, Elite and Max (VDSL) available for own installation. Max (ADSL2), Max Plus, and Max Turbo can be installed on their own if only one jack is connected to DSL (via a splitter installed by a technician), or splitter free if no land partner is sharing. Conditions where higher speeds can still be achieved through filters or quality cables to more than one jack are less common.
AT & amp; T announced the 45 Internet service (formerly "Power") on August 26, 2013. The Internet 45 requires two pair of connected lines (peg ties) and the Motorola VDSL2 NVG589 Gateway. AT & T charges a service charge to condition and pair bonds on the line and install new gateways, plus additional monthly fees.
The upload speed is a VDSL connection in an area that offers U-verse TV. ADSL2 is limited to a maximum of 1 Mbit/d upload in areas that do not offer U-verse TV.
Home Phone
AT & T Telephone (formerly AT & amp; T U-verse Voice) is a voice communications service delivered over AT & amp; T (VoIP). This phone service is digital and provides voice mail service accessed by * 98 from home number. Subscribers who subscribe to AT & amp; T Phone and U-verse TV get features like call history on channel 9900, featuring the last 100 missed and missed calls on the customer's TV, and "Click to Call" from the TV history. AT & T Phones include Caller ID, Call Blocking, Anonymous Call Blocker, and many other calling features. AT & amp; T Telephone was first available in Detroit, on January 22, 2008.
Line tools
U-verse using the AVATIN Lucent 7330 or 7340 Intelligent Services Access Manager (ISAM) shelf, also called a video-ready access device (VRAD), is deployed either at headquarters (CO) or to the environment-serving area interface (SAI). These models both consist of circuit boards that provide services, which are fed by fiber. The fiber to the node (FTTN) system uses the 7330 model, which uses existing copper cables to the customer's home, leading to a distance restriction from the VRAD cabinet to the customer's home. The 7330 ISAM is a multiplexer DSL Internet protocol access that supports VDSL and ADSL protocols. The FTTP (fiber to the premises) system uses the 7340 model, mostly in areas such as new environments or large residential developments, where AT & T chooses to run fiber to households, eliminating copper distance limits. The 7340 then connects to the serving area interface, which distributes services to the home in that neighborhood, through a double strand fiber, which is then split into 32 fiber customer pairs. The fiber pair usually leads to the customer's residence on the network interface device.
VRAD usually connects upstream to the Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet service switch in the headquarters hub, then to the header video hub office.
Customer supplies
AT & amp; T provides the equipment where the customer (rented for a monthly fee, or buy with 1 year warranty), and includes wireless routers and modems, which they call gateway housing (RG) or internet gateway . They also provide Cisco TV receivers (via Scientific Atlanta) and Arris (from the former Motorola cable division) (including standard receivers, wireless receivers, and DVR receivers).
Those eligible for triple play (TV, Internet and Phone) will use VDSL2 transport links using one of these modems:
- 2Wire 3600 (Not applicable)
- 2Wire 3800 (Deprecated)
- 2Wire 3801
- Speed ​​5031NV
- 2Wire iNID (equipped with 2Wire i3812V for external unit, iPSU (Smart Power Supply Unit) that drives i3812V, and one or more i38HG for internet access via wireless or ethernet connectivity within the customer's location) (Not applicable)
- Arris NVG589
- Arris NVG599
- Speed ​​5268AC
- Arris BGW210
Those qualified to play double (Internet and Phone only), will use ADSL2 transport type using one of the following modems:
- 2Wire 2701HGV-B (model number must contain "V", otherwise it will not work with U-Verse platform) (Not applicable)
- Motorola 2210-02-1ATT (U-verse version of 2210 and black, silver version for PPPoE and not 802.1x) (Not applicable anymore)
- Motorola NVG510
- Pace 5168NV (Only RG can support VOIP on 1.5 Mbit/s profile and supports ADSL 2)
Currently four devices support pair bound: 2Wire iNID, Arris NVG589 and NVG599, and Pace 5268AC. Motorola NVG589 originally replaced iNID 2Wire for all paired pairings. NVG599 and 5268AC both have replaced NVG589 and are used interchangeably. All three devices are capable of using ADSL2 and VDSL.
All types of AT & amp; T U-verses using 802.1x authentication. This means only the equipment on the list approved by AT & amp; T works with U-verse services, because other equipment (non-AT & T) can not authenticate with AT & amp; T DSLAM and GPON. Another side effect of the U-verse authentication protocol is the lack of bridge mode support (unlike standard DSLs that use PPPoE authentication, which is easily bridged). Best of all, 2Wire/Pace routers support DMZ mode, while Motorola devices support IP Passthrough. AT & T allows residential and business customers to pay for static IP addresses, which they support on all AT & T approved equipment (including 2Wire/Pace and Motorola routers.)
When AT & amp; T launch IP-DSL (ADSL2, double play only), they install a good connection with 2Wire 2701HGV-B or Motorola 2210 (pairing the latter with Cisco Linksys E1000 for residential customers, or EdgeMarc 250AEW for business customers). The 2Wire 2701HGV-B is limited to a top speed of 6Mbit/s, while the Motorola 2210 is capable of higher speeds. In later installations, AT & amp; T standard on Motorola NVG510, phasing out of other routers for new service installations.
When AT & T introduced 45 Internet levels in 2013, the installation was originally done with iNID. AT & amp; T is then standardized on the Motorola NVG589, which supports pair-bonding for both ADSL2 and VDSL2. AT & T also uses NVG589 in some installations where the customer is otherwise too far from the node for the service. In addition, it supports internal batteries for those who subscribe to AT & T service phones to backup batteries during power failures. AT & T no longer supplies batteries to customers for every residential service.
Meat South
- Verizon Fios
- Prism TV
- Communicate the evening light
- Optik TV
- Vonage
- TV Bell Fiber
- Fibe
- Voice over IP
- Google Fiber
Tautan External
Source of the article : Wikipedia