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Traction TeamPage 5.2 - Traction Software

Traction TeamPage is a proprietary enterprise 2.0 social software product developed by Traction Software Inc of Providence, Rhode Island.

TeamPage is one of the first products in the enterprise blog and wiki market, with Traction release 1.0 shipped in 1999.

Traction TeamPage is a collaborative hypertext platform built to support working communication within and between groups and is modeled on Douglas Engelbart's On-Line System (the first hypertext journaling system) and influenced by the work of other hypertext pioneers including Andy van Dam's Hypertext Editing System and Ted Nelson's Xanadu.

Video Traction TeamPage

Releases and features

The initial 1.0 Release of Traction TeamPage shipped in December 1999 and included features for web based journaling, collaborative editing and permission based project workspaces.

Traction TeamPage is known for features including permission filtered bi-directional linking, paragraph level addressability and inline comment threads, and a journaling model which records time stamped label changes as well as wiki style content history. The platform includes a sophisticated permission model that aggregates multiple weblog/wiki spaces into Front Page, e-mail newsletter, and search views.

With TeamPage Release 3.5 in March 2005, it became the first blog/wiki type product with integrated WebDAV.

Traction TeamPage Release 3.7.2 first shipped in December 2006 with support for widgets, export to PDF or WordML briefing books, mobile skins, and a wiki-style edit history views with a roll-back option, and an optional FAST Search module providing automatic entity extraction and drill-down navigation as well as integrated attachment search.

Traction TeamPage Release 4.0 first shipped in June 2008 with support for moderation, page name history and management and user profile pages. Moderation allows for typical publish and reject operations for comments, but also makes it possible for authorized users to work in and fully experience the Draft version of the wiki or flip to the Published version to compare. Page Name management is the first to introduce page name history, the ability to alias page names across wiki projects, and the concept of a global page name space from which names can be applied to any wiki project space.

Traction Software's Live Blog Micro-Messaging plug-in, announced November 2008, is the first implementation of micro-blogging on an enterprise social software product. The original Live Blog interface can be deployed as an interface to a single workspace or across the server. It leveraged all the linking, tagging, threading and permission controls available throughout the rest of the product. In TeamPage Release 5.0, the Live Blog interface was evolved into a pervasive capability, present in each space and in a server Front Page wide roll-up which could display status posts from all users or those you are following.

Traction TeamPage Release 4.2, first shipped in November 2009, brought subscription features into the interface, introduced the ability to reply to comment on subscription notifications, added Table of Contents navigation from root articles for each space down to their child articles, and bundled the Metrics plug-in into the installed software. Subscription features allow for easy subscription (via Jabber or Email) to a space, a user, a document or a tag. Metrics reports provide overview and detail on user read, author, edit, comment, tag, and search activity.

Traction TeamPage Release 5.0 first shipped in June 2010 with Traction's "Proteus" user interface based on Google Web Toolkit (GWT) technology along with integrated Twitter-like asymmetric follower model, integrated microblogging in each space, activity streams, extensible user profiles, incorporation of profile information into search, TeamPage Microsoft Outlook Social Connector, and other social networking extensions. Attivio replaced FAST Search as the provider of optional Traction TeamPage advanced search capabilities.

Traction TeamPage Release 5.1 first shipped 14 Dec 2010 with action tracking integrated as part of Traction's social software platform. One click can add a task tag to any Traction page, comment, status post or paragraph, with automatic rollup of actions by person, date, milestone or project. Projects can be used to collect a set of tasks and milestones to organize activities by date or common goal. Release 5.1 also incorporates Attivio with Advanced Japanese Linguistics for Japanese language content analysis and faceted navigation as well as international search over mixed Latin, Cyrillic, Middle Eastern and Asian language content

Traction TeamPage Release 5.2 first shipped 10 May 2011, adding activity dashboards. Activity dashboards show consolidated status, actions, related documents and discussion centered on any project or milestone, drawn from the flow of collaborative work. Reporter Ron Miller summarized this as: "Using the project metaphor as the basis for understanding information in the corporate social stream, the idea is to give you a hook on which to hang the information." TeamPage 5.2 also introduced drag-and-drop file upload and image insertion for Web browsers supporting the new HTML5 standard.

After TeamPage Release 5.2, Traction Software's release policy shifted to releasing incremental updates on a rolling basis to introduce new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Traction Software updates TeamPage for all Cloud hosted customers, and provides update installers for customers who choose to deploy TeamPage on their own systems. Traction Software stated that updates with major improvements are typically released on a semi-annual to quarterly basis, with minor improvements and bug fixes on a quarterly to monthly basis depending on the urgency of any associated bug fix.

Traction TeamPage Social Enterprise Web and Attivio Plus options first shipped 15 Nov 2011. The Social Enterprise Web option enables TeamPage to share, tag, comment, task, index and search linked public Web or company intranet pages. TeamPage Web browser extensions, inline badges and comment widgets link external Web sources to TeamPage discussion and provide visual feedback. The Attivio Plus option integrates deep search and discussion with live content stored in external line of business systems. The option provides permission-aware search, analysis, tagging, tasking, and sharing of content spanning TeamPage, SharePoint, email in Exchange, Documentum, File servers, SQL Databases, the public Web, private intranets, and other sources.

TeamPage Summer 2012 release: One-click action to allow TeamPage members to invite other people to join a TeamPage space (automatically creating account and adjusting permissions as needed per configurable rules); section table widget shows entry properties, including properties added as entry, task and custom entry type extensions; new TeamPage developer SDK/SDL features; rewritten SDL documentation with FAQ and tree-structured index of SDL tags.

TeamPage Winter 2012 release: Calendar Events used to record meeting and other dates can be created, edited and shown along with project, milestone and task related dates. Project, task and milestone dashboards can now shown Twitter style status dialog focused on that specific activity; zoom out to see all status dialog in a space, from a person, or a merge stream of all status your have permission to see; type-ahead navigation and Attivio query completion suggestions; emailed notifications include a list of attached files; new sort options for Project, Milestone, Task sections; Java 7 update; user interface and performance improvements; developer updates.

Teampage Spring 2013 release: Unified search for quick lookup of people, spaces, tasks, projects and milestones; "finish later" and autosave support for articles, tasks, projects, milestones and comments; updated IOS 6 iPad and iPhone support; streamlined header design and navigation; Cloud pricing options, first month free; developer updates.

TeamPage Fall 2013 release Upgrade to Java 7 as default and recommended Java version; Compatible with Attivio AIE release 3.5.1; Improved developer SDK support for custom entry types; Improved YouTube widget; improved feedback and erase features; developer updates; bug fixes and performance improvements.

Traction TeamPage 6.0 release first shipped 9 Apr 2014 with styling and performance updates for the Proteus skin; improved rich text editor; Jetty Web server to support session tracking, improved DDoS defense, compatibility with SPDY and WebSocket protocols; smaller memory footprint; redesigned setup interface; and security improvements including updated cryptographic algorithms including use of PBKDF2, and recording and optional login display of most recent failed and successful login attempts.

TeamPage Summer 2014 release New features include in-page push Notifications, extending TeamPage's email notifications. Notifications focus on activity selected by each user using an article's Watch menu, or using automatic notification rules to watch actions on articles created, discussed, or mentioning that user. The in-page notifications menu shows the current notification count and expands to allow users to read, flag or clear their notifications. Added password strength and revocation / expiration policy controls. Other changes include: improved rich text editing for iOS devices; TeamPage SDK updates; internationalization updates.

TeamPage Fall 2014 release New features include: support for @ style user "mentions"; updated popup profile card, profile page, and unified search to make @ user names more visible; interactive @ name auto completion works in TeamPage articles, comments and status posts; a new combo-box control for entry forms that supports type-ahead completion for spaces, projects and milestones; moving entries between spaces. Other changes include: TeamPage SDK updates; internationalization updates; performance improvements and bug fixes.

TeamPage 6.1: Spring 2015 release The release focuses on improvements to the Project Management suite, including a new "Burn-up Chart" for tracking progress; user-defined interactive tables to dynamically summarize activity; and better tools for understanding the big picture for a project or milestone. This release also includes major under-the-hood improvements to TeamPage's forms SDK to make it easier for developers to create custom forms, or customized variations of standard forms.

TeamPage Summer 2015 release introduces a new Bookmarks sidebar and a new interactive filtering model to make it easer to find what interests you, and bookmark any view to return to it later with one click. The July update adds live Task lists: drag and drop to reorder tasks for a project or milestone, everyone sees the live update. Shared task lists show order of execution for tasks as well as planned start and end dates. The release also: improves searching and hit highlighting of Japanese text using the TeamPage native search interface; adds new classes to the TeamPage SDK; includes bug fixes, updated internationalization, and performance improvements.

TeamPage Fall 2015 release introduces Personal Worklists: Each person can track and share what they plan to work on, including planned work on shared team projects. Add, rearrange, organize, checkoff and share items on your personal worklist. New Quick Forms make common actions simpler using a right click action or keystroke. TeamPage now automatically checks for updates and notifies administrator. The release also: adds improvements to the Project Management, List Management user interface; introduces new Blank Slate guides to provide inline help and examples; includes bug fixes, SDK extensions, updated internationalization, and performance improvements.

TeamPage Winter 2015 release introduces the TeamPage Quality Management option. The Quality Management module adds Feedback, Non-Conformance, and Corrective Action forms and dashboards to TeamPage's standard support for authoring, sharing and tracking updates to quality and compliance documentation. The new Quality forms and dashboards make it simple to use TeamPage to manage and improve manufacturing, operations, and other procedures based on ISO 9001 or other compliance standards. Signature Requirements is a new capability which lets you require people to sign TeamPage articles either once or on a recurring basis. Signature Requirements can be used to collect approvals for publication, confirm that a document has been reviewed or a process followed, or for any other situation where a set of users and groups must explicitly acknowledge that they have reviewed and article. The Winter 2015 release also includes improved unified search, improved password management, new Developer SDK capabilities as well as bug fixes and performance improvements.

TeamPage Spring 2016 and Summer releases introduce a new TeamPage mobile app for iPhone and iPad; an improved TeamPage Document Management user interface; a new JSON API for mobile devices, bots, and other external clients. The free TeamPage mobile app is designed to keep track of recent activity in discussion threads as well as notifications for events you choose to watch. The app tracks what you have read, lets you add items to your personal worklist, and reply via email. These releases also include optional authored descriptions for shared web content, improved Section Table editor for inline summaries, improved password management, and new Developer SDK capabilities as well as bug fixes and performance improvements.

TeamPage Winter 2016 release adds numerous improvements to support new business process, quality management, daily report, and other plug-in extensions. Other highlights include finer grained control over what events appear in Personal Calendars; New "Assigned to Me" and "Notify Me" filter options for Task lists and other views; an updated version of the TinyMCE rich text editor; support for SHA-2 algorithms for Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs); automatic backup of the Managed Trust Store before certificates or keys are removed or replaced; and a new "Indexing Mode" setting for TeamPage's Premium Search module that offers administrators a single point of control over how TeamPage tracks and dispatches new and updated documents to an external search engine index. This release also includes new user experience and performance improvements, bug fixes, extensions of the TeamPage SDK, and architectural enhancements to extend the capabilities of the TeamPage platform.

TeamPage 6.2 release is a major release which packages many changes and improvements that have been incrementally delivered to cloud-hosted and on-premises customers. In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, highlights of this release are updates to API's used by developers to customize and extend TeamPage and substantial refactoring to improve the structure of the TeamPage code base.

TeamPage Winter 2017 Release includes integration with FullCalendar to add new calendar views and capabilities including: ability to show merged calendar events from selectable groups of users; list and agenda views; ability to display events from Google Calendars. FullCalendar is a customizable and open-source JavaScript event calendar with many extensible capabilities and a popular API. Other highlights include: a new Copy action used to create an editable duplicate of an existing entry; a much faster HTML-to-plaintext converter used to render snippets; updated NTLM libraries for single sign-on support; updated version of TinyMCE rich text editor; updated Adobe Derby JDBC connectors; improved type-ahead completion used to show relevant suggestions as text is typed in the TeamPage search box; improved external search engine integration, administration, and performance; new and improved developer SDK support for extending or overriding behavior of custom entry types and EntryClasses; new JavaScript functions used to extend and customize the TeamPage Proteus skin; colorful setting panel styling. The release also includes over 90 bug fixes and general improvements.

Maps Traction TeamPage

Analyst and reviewer statements

In July 2002, in an InfoWorld test center review of Traction TeamPage Release 2.8, Jon Udell of InfoWorld wrote "(Traction) can be best described as an enterprise Weblog system." This is the first use of the term "Enterprise Weblog" in the press.

Traction TeamPage has been recognized as InfoWorld's 2007 Technology of the Year award winner: Best Enterprise Wiki (see review), as well as a KMWorld magazine trend setting product in 2005 and 2006. TeamPage is one of seven social software products reviewed by Clay Shirky in Esther Dyson's May 2003 edition of Release 1.0 (TeamPage subtitle "Weblogs Grow Up") and one of nine blogging platforms evaluated in depth by Forrester Research's 2006 Blogging Wave report. Traction TeamPage is also reviewed in Fuld & Company's 2006 Competitive Intelligence Software Report

In a March 2005 report titled "Blogs Wikis & Beyond," Burton Group Analyst Peter O'Kelly wrote: "Although Traction's products are marketed as 'enterprise weblog' offerings, they are in fact powerful hypertext systems that exploit blog- and wiki-related advances to maximize simplicity but also do so on a scale that addresses elaborate hypertext application scenarios that would overwhelm wiki alternatives."

In an October 2008 Intranet Journal Review, in reference to the challenge of balancing unstructured collaboration with the need for moderation and audit controls, Paula Gregorowicz claims "TeamPage 4.0 offers some breakthroughs to this challenge via its moderation model which is likely to impact the face of enterprise intranet architecture."

A December 2010 AppGap review of Traction TeamPage 5.1 wrote: "This is the action tracking part of project management for the regular employee, not the program management office. It brings this activity into the enterprise 2.0 world as every task is treated as an object for comments, RSS, and made searchable to those with the proper permissions."

A free Deloitte Center for the Edge study on measurable business value of social software, published February 2011, includes an independent Deloitte case study of Traction TeamPage customer Alcoa Fastening Systems. Deloitte's press release and study cite "a 61 percent reduction in time required for compliance activities" attributed to use of Traction TeamPage. The study includes quotes and data from Traction TeamPage customers Alcoa Fastening Systems and Ensign Bickford.

In his October 2011 Traction Software vendor review, Chess Media Group analyst Jacob Morgan said "Traction sees collaboration in the enterprise just like consumer grade web services and applications, meaning when you type something into a search engine, you should be able to all the information you need and use that as a starting point to take a next action. Basically think of a search engine that has the ability to index all of your content internally, regardless of what system it resides on, it can be on an ERP system a CRM system, or anything else. This search ability is what binds everything together."

In his October 2015 blog post, Real Story Group analyst Kashyap Kompella wrote: "Traction continues to punch above its weight. The company is finding interesting use cases for the TeamPage software particularly in the ISO / quality management space for manufacturing customers."

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Funding and customers

In June 2002, a public In-Q-Tel customer agreement represents the first significant enterprise site license of a blogging platform. In-Q-Tel (the venture arm of the US Central Intelligence Agency) invested in Traction Software starting in May 2000.

In 2003, the US Department of Defense CIO office funded a Rapid Acquisition Incentive-Net Centricity (RAI-NC) pilot program, titled the "Liberty Project," to study the business case for using weblogs for net-centric project communication and information management. The study involved funding to add the WebDAV extension to the Traction platform and to support the following Liberty Project participants: Traction Software, The Office of Naval Research, the Army Night Vision Lab, Defense Acquisition University, Naval Underwater Warfare Center, Marine Corps, Ford Motor Company, and the New York City Police.

In 2005, Corante published the first detailed case study of an enterprise blog deployment. The case study, Dark Blogs Case Study 01 - A European Pharmaceutical Group, describes a CIO led effort to deploy Traction TeamPage for a Competitive Intelligence function which spanned the organization.

In 2010, Traction TeamPage customer Borlaug Global Rust Initiative won a 2010 Forrester Groundswell award for social impact of its use of collaboration technology to organize, conduct, publicize and manage international research to combat a new crop disease that has the potential to devastate the world's food supplies.

Other public Traction TeamPage customers include: Alcoa, Ensign Bickford, Kuka Systems, Enel (energy), Ipsen Pharmaceutical, Lucent, SITA, the Western States Information Network, a law enforcement agency funded by the US Department of Justice and the State of California, US Air Force.

Nov 2017 | TeamPage 6.2 Major Release - Traction Software


iCal compatible calendar support - Traction Software

External links

  • Traction Software product website and blog

Source of the article : Wikipedia
